Brynn: I'm okay sir I promise

Figgins: are you sure

Brynn: yes sir

Figgins: okay you all may go to class. Stop at the front and get late passes

Santana: thank you sir

We all got our late passes and left the office

Santana: are you sure your okay Brynn

Brynn: yeah it only hurts a little bit, thank you Bella

Bella: your welcome

Puck: man Bella you can really punch

Bella: I learned from the best

Santana: let's get to glee club

Brynn: Bella you should join glee club with Mia and I

Bella: can I Puck

Puck: of course you can

I took Brynn's hand and we walked to glee club and all sat down

Mr. Shue: hello everyone, I see that we have 2 new people joining us today. Would you please tell us your names

Bella: I'm Bella Puckerman

Mr. Shue: related to Puck

Bella: yeah he's my cousin

Mr. Shue: it's nice to have you here

Bella: thank you

Mia: I'm Mia Anderson

Mr. Shue: are you related to Blaine

Mia: yes he's my brother

Mr. Shue: I'm glad your here, now we are needing to start thinking about songs for Nationals, does anyone have any song ideas

Finn: I think we should come up with something no one will expect

Santana: and what do you mean by that

Mike: are you saying we write our own song

Brittany: how would we do that

Tina: we don't know anything about writing music

Blaine: it's really not that hard

Tina: it's not

Blaine: no all we have to do is come up with ideas that we want the song to be about

Brynn: Blaine?

Blaine: yes Brynn

I watch as my sister opens her book bag and hands some paper to Blaine; Blaine takes it and walks over to the piano and motions for Brynn to follow him

Blaine: Do you want to sing it

Brynn: no

Blaine: okay I'll sing it but I want your help to play it okay

Brynn: okay

Blaine started playing the song, with the help of Brynn. We all sat there and listened to the first part of it when they stopped we all had tears in our eyes

Mr. Shue: okay this is the song we will take

Brynn: really?

Mr. Shue: really but first it needs a name

Brynn: Loser like me?

Mr. Shue: that's a perfect name, okay everyone we have a song lets start learning the song Mike and Brittany you come up the the choreography

For the rest of the class we worked on learning the song and choreography soon it was time for us to go home, Brynn came over to me and I hugged her

Santana: are you ready to go Brynn

Brynn: yeah

Brynn and I walked out with Puck, Quinn, Blaine, Mia and Bella

Quinn: Brynn that was amazing

Puck: when did you learn to write music

Brynn: well I have always wrote down my feelings and then Blaine started to teach me how to play the piano so I was able to take what he taught me and write the song

Mia: I think it was really good Brynn

Brynn: thank you

Quinn: we should get going San

Santana: your right, We will text you guys later

Puck: please do

Blaine: yes please do

Bella: see you later Brynn

Brynn: see you later Bella and thank you

Bella: your welcome

Mia: text me later

Brynn: I will

Blaine: ready to go Mia?

Mia: yeah

Puck: Bella do you want a ride home

Bella: did you ride your motorcycle

Puck: of course

Bella: then lets go, I like making my dad mad

Puck: your defiantly a Puckerman

Blaine and Mia got in Blaine's car and Puck and Mia got on Puck's bike and they left. Quinn, Brynn and I got into the car and started our way to Quinn's house.

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