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It seemed that the world needed saving once again

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It seemed that the world needed saving once again. And it appeared that Athena Isolde Erskine was one of the people necessary to do the saving. Athena was okay with this, though. It gave her a purpose, something to work for. Don't get her wrong, Athena is enjoying the 21st century. She was loving reading about all the scientific discoveries that people had made. But there was still a tiny part of her that missed the simplicity of 1942.

Athena missed her family. She knew that they were gone, but she still missed them. Athena sometimes wondered what Artemis would have made of the 21st century. She thought Artemis would love how the woman could join the army now. She would have loved some of the advances in weaponry that people had made. But that was always Artemis's joy.

And Athena was happy with Steve Rogers. The two were happily dating and very much in love. Sometimes Athena wondered what would have happened to the two of them if they had never frozen. Where would they be now? But Athena was happy in the 21st-century dating Captain America.

 Where would they be now? But Athena was happy in the 21st-century dating Captain   America

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The Scientist ⍟ Captain AmericaWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt