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A piercing scream ran through a large mansion. It was a gorgeous one certainly. Plants adorned wide grounds each with their own exotic characteristics.  However the air was dense and thick. Almost suffocating. As if the house could feel the tension and negative emotions radiating from inside. Three men waited outside a room where a dark haired woman lay. Her most notable feature was the hair upon her head. It was a untameable mess on a good day. It would frame around her face and fall down in loose curls gracefully. But on this day, it stuck to her face matted with sweat and tears while some flew around as the magic sparked in the air. Her stormy grey eyes were clenched shut in pain as she gave birth.  

"You must push my lady. The baby is almost here." A mediwitch tried to say encouragingly as she spoke to the woman on the bed. 

A moan and a gasp was heard from the exhausted witch as she sat covered in sweat. It was clear she was about to give up. After twenty hours even the strongest men and woman would no longer be able to go on. " No..c...can't." she managed to gasp out.

"Yes you can. You can do it m'lady." the mediwitch responded as it was her normal response in this situation.

A dark haired woman fell back onto the bed panting in exhaustion. Her breath came in ragged breaths and she tried to sit back up again only to collapse back. She tried to focus on something other than the pain but found it impossible. Soon she could take it no more and fainted. Her head lolled back as her hair spilled covering her face.

The mediwitch tisked and hurried around and began making preparations. After making sure the woman wouldn't wake up she performed an incision and gently removed the baby from the mothers womb.

The infant let out a blood curling cry and the mediwitch took out her wand casting a strong silencing ward around the baby. She looked at the baby intently. A girl. What a shame. The woman silently scoffed and sneered.

After cleaning the child, she plucked a single hair from the child's head and took out a shrunken bassinet from her bag which she enlarged with a few taps of her wand. She placed the baby into the bassinet and tucked her into a blanket after changing and clothing her. 

She looked back at the unconscious mother and her eye caught onto an necklace with small gemstones of ruby scattered at edges on the bedside table. Contrary to what people thought she wasn't completely heartless. Hastily grabbing the necklace, she duplicated it and put the fake version back on the bedside table and the real one carefully around the baby's neck and activated the portkey disguised as a rattle before removing the silencing charm around her.

Soon both the bassinet and the baby disappeared. She pulled a small baby like figure. A gollum. It felt no emotions. No need to do anything. It didn't breath. Neither did it live. It was like a zombie. The mediwitch poured a potion down the fake mouth and the gollum took the shape of the baby girl that had been taken from its mother.

Making sure everything was in place she nodded and pointed her wand at the lady and mumbled, 'enervate' . The  black haired woman woke with a groan.

"Oh my lady your awake." the mediwitch said in a fake tone. She took out her wand and began casting spells to check for any damage or injuries. She had to make sure nothing was pinned on her if there was. These Dark families would pay for what they did.

The lady tried to make sense of her surroundings. She took a sharp breath when she no longer felt any pain coming from her abdomen nor did she hear the cries of her new born child. She looked around frantically, "Where...where is my baby?"

The lady gasped as she realized she could no longer feel the closeness of her child's magic. In her delirious state, she didn't make the connection that a warm bubble was still ringing out in her chest. All she could think was that she had lost her child. The worst case. It was her only chance of a child and she failed.

The mediwitch glanced at the golem wrapped in blankets. "I'm sorry m'lady. The strain of the long labour was too much for her. She didn't make it. A stillborn. My condolences. " she said with a sad expression on her face.

"! Your wrong... It can't be! Please no..." the lady collapsed back on the bed and began to weep loudly. Her heart cracked and she gazed at the disguised golem barely able to breath. It was all her fault. Her mind screamed at her and then and there she lost all will to do anything. Her child was gone. The only chance she ever had at having one. What else was left?

"I'm truly sorry m'lady. I tried everything." the mediwitch said bowing.

"Get out! Get out!" the black haired woman screamed in a hoarse voice. She stared at the woman with an expression of fury and was practically foaming at the mouth. The liar. The pathetic fake.

The mediwitch bowed once more and backed out of the room with an unseen sneer on her face. She took a deep breath as she carried the small bundle in her arms. She would need to show the father. She wanted to sneer at the thought. Father, she internally scoffed. As if someone who had a Dark core could be a good father.

"How is my wife?" Rodolphlus Lestrange asked the mediwitch worriedly as he tried to peek at the bundle. He couldn't hear any signs of life but prayed that it was because the child was sleeping.

The mediwitch looked at the three men, two dark and one fair in complexion. By all means handsome, the lot of them but all were Dark wizards. She wanted to scream at them that they had no right to be alive when there were good, light families being demolished by the tens. She put a mask of pity on her face as she gently turned the bundle to be looked upon.

"I'm sorry, Lord Lestrange, the child didn't make it." She would have given herself a pat on the back but she knew not to show any kinds of unloyalty to these men.

Rodolphlus collapsed onto the rich Persian rug in despair after a moment, screaming a wretched sob. Rabastan fell heavily back onto the chair he stood from with a sob. Lucius Malfoy placed a hand on his brother-in-law's shoulder before he took the small bundle from the woman. The baby would need a burial and he knew the parents wouldn't be able to do it. He would take the responsibility up and handle all affairs

"You may go. Thank you. " Lucius Malfoy said curtly sneering.

The mediwitch bowed one last time and left the mansion. She waited until she was at the edge of the wards and apparated away. She landed in an alleyway near the muggle hospital that she had sent the Lestrange Heiress to. She would need to file paperwork to get this child properly tucked into a forgotten home where no Dark core wizards or witches would find her. The year 1980 would be the beginning of the fall of the Dark Core families, she would make sure of it.

That day a baby girl born to parents who were too busy was expected to be stillborn but by some miracle she produced a strong heartbeat and made it out with no complications and perfectly alive. That day Callista Lestrange died and Hermione Granger was born to a family that wasn't hers.

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