I Never Hated You

Start from the beginning

  You were on one of the higher levels, so your stomach dropped at his words. Yelling at the scientists around you to "Follow me!" you started to make your way to the nearest window. You were the only vigilante on this floor, you knew. Taking a deep breath, you grappled the civilians one by one to the roof of the next building, before preparing to escape yourself. But then you saw it. The device you'd come to retrieve. Lying on a table.

  The building shuddered as you started making your way to it.

  Holding a hand to your ear, you said into your ear piece, "This is Yellow Canary to Nightwing, I have the device in my sights. I'm going to go get it before this building collapses on top of it. I repeat, I am going to get the device."

  The building shuddered again, except more violently this time. You had to grip the wall to keep yourself from falling over.

  "Nightwing to Yellow Canary, forget about the device! Get out now! I repeat, get out now!"

  You reached the device just as the building started to collapse. Bits of ceiling fell down around you, a shard of glass cutting your cheek, making you hiss.

  "Yellow Canary to Nightwing. I'm not leaving without the device! Not even if it kills me!"

  With the device clutched in your hand, you ignored the other voices shouting at you in your ear to get out, as you staggered back to the window. The building was lurching constantly now, making it difficult to aim your grappling gun.

  Swearing, you took a few steps back before running flat out and jumping. The world seemed to stop as you watched your legs fly over the gap between the two buildings. On your way out of the window, you cut your side open on a piece of glass.

  The impact of your landing made you cry out in pain and you fell onto the concrete roof, hitting your head on the edge. The world went black.


  You woke up to the sound of the persistent beeping of a heart monitor. Someone's hand was gripping your own and your nose filled with the familiar hospital smell of antibiotics and hand sanitizer.

  You blinked up at the white ceiling, squinting at the brightness. The movement caused a sharp throb to go through your head, making you groan.

  "You're awake!" a voice called out.

  You turned your head, wincing at the pain the slight movement caused, and saw Cass and Dinah. Flicking your eyes to the door, you noticed Oliver leaning in the doorframe. He gave you a small smile.

  "How, how did I get here? The last thing I remember is jumping out of a collapsing building," you murmured.

  Cass winced and Dinah answered, "That's because you hit your head and got a concussion. You also lost a lot of blood from a gash on your side. We thought you were dead, but then Impulse found you on that roof and called for help. Nightwing carried you back to the street where an ambulance took you here. The doctor promised to keep your identity secret."

  "Wait," you said, brow furrowing in confusion, "Nightwing carried me? Why on Earth would he do that?"

  Cass shrugged, "Well, you were unconscious and Bart wasn't strong enough to carry you, so Nightwing did."
  You shook your head, "I know, it's just... I thought he hated me?"

  Oliver chuckled from the doorway, "Not from the way he's been worrying, kid. He hasn't stopped trying to find the person responsible for the building's collapse since you were injured. Neither Bruce nor Alfred have seen him at the manor once."

  Cass nodded, "Yeah. And I haven't seen him in civilian clothes since then either. I think he cares for you a lot more than you realise."

  You thought about their words for the rest of the day. Was it possible? Could Dick really not hate you as much as you thought?

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