Chapter Five

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 [Heeyoung pov.] 

 "Annyeonghaseyo I'm Kang Jiyoung" I said smiling.

 "Annyeonghaseyo Kang Jiyoung-ssi, You can sit beside the window " Ms. Lee said while pointing the chair. 

 "Okay maam"

 "Okay everyone let's start the lecture!" The teacher said to everyone in the class

 As I was walking to find my seat, I saw the girl who talked to me a while ago. She's my.... classmate? 

 "Oh annyeonghaseyo" I said to her while I'm sitting next to her. We seat next to each other

 "Annyeonghaseyooo, it turns out we're classmates huh?" She said

 "Yes haha"

 After the lecture, I sighed and I checked the time. Still early for lunch. Someone tapped my shoulder and saw her. 

 "Hello Jiyoung! I'm Kim Jisoo!

 "Hello Jisoo!" Wow, she has a gorgeous face and has a nice name. 

 "May I know why you transffered school? I didn't ask you a while a go hehe" Jisoo asked. 

 "Yes? I-uh transffered school because my parents uh...wants me here" I hesitantly said to Jisoo. I didn't know what to say and I have to make an excuse. 

 "Really? Then are you with your parents?" She asked 

 "No, I live with my...friends..yeah, friends. I live in a dorm" I said to her. 

 "That's cool! Living with your friends and doing things that you like, woah I envy you!" Jisoo said while smiling at me. What? Envy me? I live with those dorks because of work please don't envy me. 

 "I think so" I said to her. After a while of talking someone called Jisoo's name. 

 "YAH KIM JISOOOOO~" A guy called her Jisoo's name. Who could that be?

 "Yah! Why are you so loud?" Jisoo said to him 

 "Sorry, sorry. I just want to say KAMSAHAMIDA! For lending me your notes you're the best Jisoo yahhh~ I'm gonna die without these" He said to Jisoo while making a thumbmark with his hand 

"You don't even copy my notes you just take a picture of it you're too lazy to write" 

 "It's because I don't have a time" 

 "You don't have a time? You keep in flirting on girls on your free time why don't you study?"

"Let's not talk about that topic, oh- who's this? Are you perhaps the new student?" He said while looking at me. 

 "Yes, I'm Kang Jiyoung" I said to him. "I'm Lee Haechan nice to meet you!" He gave me his hand and asked for a handshake and we did a handshake. 

 "Yah Haechan don't flirt with her or else I'll kick your butt" Jisoo warned Haechan. 

 "Geez, I won't don't worry" Haechan said to her. 

 "Hmmm since we still have time till next class, do you want me to tour you here at school?" Jisoo asked me. 

 "Yes I would love to" I said to her "Let's gooo" Haechan said happily 

 "You're not gonna join us Haechan" Jisoo looked at Haechan. 

 "Wae? I wanna join I have nothing else to do" 

 "Whatever you want" Jisoo said while rolling her eyes.

 "Yeyyy!!" Haechan followed the two of us at the hallway.


"Sooo, here's a bunch of classrooms and.... we're here at my favorite place the CANTEEN!!" Haechan screamed 

 "You're so loud STOP" Jisoo screamed at Haechan too. 

 "Sooo this is the canteen, it's still not lunch time but I guess there are many students already here?" I said to them

 "Ofcourse! Who doesn't go to this beautiful canteen? My favorite place in this school" Haechan said confidently. 

 "Yesss and they have lots of delicious food here so many people likes to go here. And sometimes, they have special menus." Jisoo said. 

 "Yeah, they have special snacks that are only served in the afternoons.Everyone lines up for those snack so you have to be early at exactly 3pm, end of classes." Haechan said. 

 "Woah that's cool" I said while I'm scanning the place.

 "I know right? Oh I forgot to tell you where they sell those special snacks it's over ther-" Haechan didn't finish what he said and noticed something. 

 "Oh- those..are the special snacks last friday right?!" Haechan said. 

 "OH, YOU'RE RIGHT! OMO OMO" Jisoo said while tapping Haechan's shoulder multiple times. 

 "YAH STOP TAPPING ME" Haechan screamed at Jisoo. 

 "Oh sorry, let's go there now before anyone comes first ppali!!" Jisoo tapped Haechan's shoulder again.


 "Ah sorry sorry hehe"

 "Jiyoung-ah let's goo so we will not run of food." Jisoo said to me. 


 While waiting in the line with Haechan and Jisoo, I noticed a familliar person but can't distinguish because he's too far.

 "Jisoo, I'll just go to the washroom" 

I said to Jisoo. 

 "Okay take your time" 

She smiled. "Gomawo" I walked away and followed that familliar person. Who might that be? I am getting close to him and tapped his shoulder. 

 "Cheogiyeo?" I asked him 

 "Yes?" He turned around and looked at me. 


 "Oh! Annyeong Heeyoung-ah!!"


ooopp first of all why did he call jiyoung heeyong at school? and second of all who could that beee?? you will find out on the next chapters~ thank u if you're reading this book rn because i feel like no one is reading this based on the number of's too low but ig it's okay since i'm a new author and it all happens when you are new hehe :))


the mission | jung jaehyun (on hold)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें