spin out

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written by jellobot0005 on deviantart

Gerard's POV


"So, are you?" Frank asked again, angrier than he is annoyed leaning over the kitchen counter.

"That's none of your fucking business." I replied to him. His nostrils flared and eyebrows burrowed. "Well I'm sorry for worrying about your health you asshole, now answer me."

"Like I said Frank, none of your business." Frank picked up a glass from the counter and threw it across the room, shattering it to pieces. His demeanor didn't change either. "Drugs are bad Gerard, coke is bad, heroine is bad, and meth is bad. Now are you doing them or not?"

"I said NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUISNESS YOU FAGGOT!" I couldn't take Frank anymore. I turned around and was going to head to my room before Franks hand dug onto my shoulder, nails latching on. He hastily turned me around, seeming dangerous even though he's shorter than me.

"It's my business if you die Gerard!"

The up rise in his voice sent my fist flying to his jaw. When they collided I knew I had made a mistake. Franks head was up, and as it turned down the bruise started to form, a tear falling down his cheek. He stormed off to the door, his car keys in hand.

"I'm sorry for worrying about you."

"Frank, wait!"

Frank shut the door, the slam echoed throughout the house, or it could've just been my head. The roar of his engine was eerily audible through the heavy rain that was pouring nonstop outside. Each one hit the window hard, making it sound as if a thousand fingers were tapping on it.

Then his headlights got weaker through the window and he was gone.


Third Person POV


Frank was driving down the long, bare California road, tears down his cheeks and in his eyes. There were even tears outside. Loud, heavy, disorientating tears to his driving. He couldn't believe what Gerard had just done. Then Frank started to think to himself if he overreacted to the situation, but then just shrugged it off when he reminded himself that this was a drug problem, he was trying to help and should get that kind of attention.

Tears were also running down his cheeks because the man he loves had just hit him.

Yup, loves him.

Frank has always had these feelings for Gerard, not friendship love feelings but deeper than that. Yes, Frank loves Gerard. And when he found syringes and white powder that day earlier he knew he needed to confront Gerard about it and help him before it was too late.

Frank looked ahead on the road, the headlights barely working for him. As he made a turn the car caught on with the rain and started to spin out. Frank with his mixed feelings at the moment could barely grasp what was happening and tried to counteract it. The car flipped into a ditch, the driver barely holding onto life.

And it was such a shame because all this had happened in less than a minute and Frank didn't achieve the task of getting away from Gerard. In fact, he was in running distance.


Gerard's POV


I got this weird feeling in me and ran out the front door, running down the road as if I could catch up to Frank in his car. The rain soaked me in less than five seconds and I sloshed down the road, holding onto the little hope that I could somehow find Frank.

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