"Go!" she hissed to the hobbits. "I'll take the rear."

Merry, Pippin, Sam, then Frodo ran, followed by Noelle. She figured it would be best to stay in the back. That way she could seethe hobbits and no one would get left behind.

Suddenly out of nowhere, they heard the ear-shattering screech and the Black Rider's horse was rearing above Frodo's head. Frodo darted to the right, but the Black Rider moved to block him.

Instinctively, Noelle drew her sword and jumped in between Frodo and the Black Rider.

"GO!!!" she screamed again.

Frodo gave her one last look before he followed Sam, Merry, and Pippin, who had taken off. Although they were not that far ahead, Frodo had to run quite fast.

The Black Rider had now drawn his sword. Noelle was on his left, so he spun his horse around so that she was on his right side. He swung his blade, and Noelle held her Elven sword above her head, blocking the blow as she had learned in the Jedi Temple, lightsaber training with Obi-wan.

The Black Rider only clashed with her once. He spurred his horse on to catch up with Frodo.

The hobbits were heading to some sort of wooden raft that was tied to a post in the nearby river. Merry, Sam and Pippin were already there, but the Black Rider was catching up with Frodo. He wasn't going to make it. He wasn't running fast enough to outpace the horse.

Noelle Force-pushed Frodo. This was the second time she had used the Force since she had arrived in Middle-earth. Frodo went flying and landed on the raft with the other three hobbits who were drifting away.

"Noelle!" Sam cried. "Come on!"

Noelle stopped. The Black Rider was poised threateningly between her and the hobbits. Noelle held her breath. What was she going to do?

Not having time to think about it, she ran.

The Black Rider, of course, moved to block her, raising his sword.

Noelle was prepared though. She held her sword high above her head, ran, and skidded underneath the stomach of the Black Rider's horse, who whinnied and reared in surprise.

Noelle was now on the other side of the Black Rider, but the hobbits were a good thirty feet away from the bank of the river now.

"Jump Miss Noelle!" Pippin cried.

"It's too far! She'll never make it!" Sam responded.

Noelle knew she could make it. She could use the Force.

Not looking behind her, she sprang into the air and landed gracefully on the raft with the hobbits.

Sam, Merry and Pippin gaped at her in awe. Frodo looked surprised at the most.

"That was amazing!" Merry said in astonishment. "How'd you do that?"

Noelle wasn't listening though. She laughed out loud. "I did it!" She couldn't believe it. She had saved them from this Dark thing. This wasn't as hard as she had thought it was going to be!

The hobbits had given up trying to get her to explain.

"How far to the nearest crossing?" Frodo asked Merry.

"Brandywine Bridge. Twenty miles."

Noelle sat up. She was still in awe of the fact she had saved the hobbits. "I can't believe I did it!"

"Don't get too excited, Miss Noelle. I saw more of those things," Sam said warningly.

Noelle looked up. "What? When?!" she demanded.

"Right before you leapt onto the Ferry. There were four more."


Just when Noelle has thought things were all good. Now she had to worry about fiveBlack Riders instead of one.

Oh Gandalf! Where are you?!

Noelle just sighed. She didn't want to look too overwhelmed in front of the hobbits. She needed to stay calm for their sakes.

"Gandalf said he would meet us in Bree. How much further until then?"

"We take the Ferry south for twenty miles to the Great East Road. That'll lead us to Bree," Merry explained.

"But Gandalf told us to stay off the roads," Frodo pointed out. He looked at Noelle in the dark, whose brow was furrowed in concentration and concern.

"We need to get to Bree as quickly as possible. If that's the fastest way, then we take the roads," Noelle said finally.

Hopefully we make it there alive.


Wow! That was an action-packed chapter! Let me know what you think!

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