"That didn't sound very heroic now did it?" You teased her before walking over to the table, taking out your phone to get one last look at you as you mumbled, "Great now I have grey eyes to match my hair. I look like a Granny."

Your aunt wasn't a full Pro Hero but she still was a sidekick to many of the heroes around the area. She mostly works with Miruko and your mom's old hero agency here before she moved to marry your dad. She's a pain in the ass, but still one of the most caring people you knew.

Even if she burned your eggs once again.

She laughed as she handed you a plate, ruffling your hair some as you began to eat, "Well unless you want to take a quick nap to revert to your natural eye color you're gonna have to deal with it. Plus what's so bad about grey hair?" She gestured to her own dark blue and grey hair as you laughed, "You were going to get it eventually. I mean look at my few streaks!"

"You're right. I just thought my hair would stay black like Dad's," you mumbled glancing at the time. Her expression fell at the sight of you. Your eyes going blank, definitely replaying the incident before you shook your head out of it, "Will I be seeing you after school or do you have work?"

"That reminds me," she said as she went to get her phone, "I won't be here for a week or two. Mirko has a mission approaching and I have to stay with her."

She worked at the number six pro hero, Mirko, agency in Tokyo, been there for a while now. She was always having to go on work trips and even fly across the world to help the hero's ranking or look out for sidekicks and even more missions for her. Since the agency was so far from where you two lived she usually just stayed there for how long she was needed before coming back.

Mirko is the absolute best. She was practically family to you since your mom and aunt were so close to her. She would always help out in training you along with other heroes and even the heroes' kids when your mom would ask. From Eraserhead because of his friendship with your father to even that damn Endeavor. Thank God you only worked with his kid a few times because he was something else. So angry all the time with hair that was as white as snow with a few red streaks. Eyes so blue that they seemed to glow when he used his quirk.

Those trainings though made your combat skills almost flawless. Just almost. You still had much more things to work on like-

Nope nope nope too early to dwell on negativities.

"Alright," you said to your aunt as you got ready to leave, "don't forget to-"

"Call and text you! I know! I know!" She interrupted, shaking her head with a small smile, "Sometimes I wonder who's the guardian here and who's the kid."

She may be loud and sometimes childish that you would have to take care of the both of you but she was the only family to you. Especially since your own mother dropped all contact with you.

Smiling as you waved goodbye to her you headed out the door to your new beginning, "Thanks for the breakfast! I'll see you in two weeks!" Plugging in your headphones you began your walk to UA High.


Arriving at the classroom, Class 1-A, you noticed a few students already in the class seated as they talked to each other to introduce themselves. You looked over and saw some navy-haired boy making a chopping-robotic motion while talking to- an invisible girl?

Yeah, Japan's quirks are really unique here.

Walking over to take a seat at an empty desk you looked over to see who you would be sitting by for the year. It was some boy with ash-blonde hair, feet kicked up to his desk while his head was tilted back, not having a care in the world and just giving off his strong confident aura. He must think highly of himself, his own uniform was different from the others too.

You Do It For Her - Katsuki BakugouWhere stories live. Discover now