Joe Elliott 😂👌🏻

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1.) Joe Elliott's favourite photo is this photo ⬇️

"I think I look really good in that picture" -Joe Elliott

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"I think I look really good in that picture" -Joe Elliott.

2.) Joe Elliott originally intended Def Leppard to be named Dinosaur Destruction. This idea was quickly thrown out by Rick Savage.

3.) The reason for Joe Elliot's very cursed dreads in 1996 was, as Joe puts it, "the result of a dare". F in chat.

4.) In 1983, Joe Elliott got so high that he, "literally attempted to fuck himself".

5.) Joe Elliott is John Lennon's long lost secret son.

6.) Joe Elliott revealed in a 1989 interview that the song, "Hysteria" is about a "sexually induced mental breakdown".
:(( F in chat.

7.) When asked in a 1983 interview if he was a nymphomaniac, he replied, "The FUCK is that? Is that some kind of fairy bullshit?".

8.) In 1985, Joe Elliott was arrested for stripping naked in a mall and loudly declaring, "I AM GOD'S GIFT TO WOMEN".

9.) When Joe Elliott hears someone ask, "who is Joe?" he always replies, "Joe MAMA!!!!".

10.) Joe Elliott eats grass on Monday's.

11.) Joe Elliott has named his children after cereal brands.

12.) Joe Elliott became a super hero when he grew a mullet. His super hero name was Mullet Man.

13.) Joe Elliott is actually right-handed, he only uses his left hand for most things to "troll people". In response to an interviewer asking why, his answer was, "The question is, why not?".

14.) While high as fucking shit in 1992, Joe Elliott sold a pair of his boxers in a pawnshop. He then proceeded to use the money to buy some food from Taco Bell, ate it, threw up, ran outside and passed out in front of the Restaurant.

15.) Joe Elliott once fell down a flight of stairs while attempting to walk down it like a dog. "Now that's a kind of doggy-style I will NEVER do again" -Joe Elliott on the stairs incident.

16.) Joe Elliott used to have "wet dreams" about Tinkerbell throughout the 90's.

17.) Joe Elliott was once addicted to drinking copious amounts of Ketchup.

18.) Joe Elliott's biggest kink is dressing up as a sExY mAiD and being spanked with his ass exposed.

19.) Joe Elliott can swim on land. He is very proud of this ability.

20.) Joe Elliott can magically get himself pregnant, just like Eddie from Iron Maiden.

21.) When high, Joe Elliott gives people lap-dances.

22.) Joe Elliott is a believer in the theory that Planet Earth is in the shape of a giant Chicken.

23.) Joe Elliott doesn't have a driver's license. Joe had his license revoked after an incident in 1984, in which, he drove his car through 87 swimming pools. Because of this, he drives a Fisher Price car.

24.) Joe Elliott was born by hatching out of an egg.

25.) Joe Elliott used to like the colour Red, but now he hates it. "After learning what a menstrual cycle is, hell NO! I have bloody nightmares about that shit now! No pun intended!!" Joe Elliott, when asked if he still likes the colour Red.

26.) Joe Elliott has a phobia of Sock Monkeys.

27.) Joe Elliott has over 8,000 children.

28.) When Joe was five, his parents took him on a trip to Paris, France. There, they went into a Museum. Joe snuck past his parents and security, before making his way to a very expensive Painting. Out of curiosity, He ate the Painting. Because of this, Joe and his parents were kicked out of the Museum.

29.) Joe Elliott has a fetish for Unicorn horns. (Please don't ask).

30.) Joe Elliott worships Geese.

31.) Joe Elliott's middle name is "mama".

32.)  In 2013, Joe Elliott got drunk, dressed up as Santa Claus and called people "hos".

These are all fake, just for laughs. No disrespect intended toward any of the band members ❤️🇬🇧.

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.
FAKE DEF LEPPARD FACTS حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن