From a Soldier's Perspective

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Strewn in blood were those lands there,

Though my hands were of same hue;

Crimson grounds spread all around,

Though the sky was thoroughly blue.

Essence of life had lost its way-

Into the dreary sands;

Who were they sleeping out there:

Sleeping on deserted lands?

Were they families, were they friends:

Taking rest on a sunny morn?

But why should they take rest on a land:

Strewn with cacti and thorn?

Amidst such thoughts going round-

I heard a lightning crash;

The morn was transformed into dark-

And all bodies were smashed.

Suddenly! a call of conscience

And all that numbness broke.

I realised what I had to do-

And killed fifteen in one stroke.

Who were they, what was their fault-

I knew nothing of that kind;

I had to murder all of them:

Was all I had in mind.

I shot one after another;

Killed as many as I could.

I knew not what was wrong there,

I knew not what was good.

What was the use of all these?

I knew not from my heart.

I knew not my enmity with them

Though I was fighting from the start.

I remembered my mother saying to me-

Do as good as you can:

For you are now a true hero-

The saviour of your clan.

But all those words were meaningless-

I realised it right then.

'cause this was a deadly slaughter ground:

Where we were like chickens.

All of us brawling out there

Were no saviours of our lands;

But were mere murderers:

Who took a worthy stand.

I felt remorseful at the thought,

I felt a stroke of guilt:

But wait a minute...

Wasn't I on a battlefield?

I realised where I took a stand

But, alas! It was too late;

I saw the devil standing there

Which reflected my fate.

I knew not what to do right then:

'cause I was filled with fright.

As none had ever seen the devil

On a sunny morn such bright.

Suddenly! I heard a loud blow:

And all present was gone...

And only left was the body of mine-

Which lay on sand and thorn.


From a Soldier's perspectiveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin