Alberto Relationship Headcanons

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- You asked him out. It was on the docks, as you two watched the waves crash on the shore. You were quite nervous, but held his hand and.. Confessed.

- Additionally, you CANNOT tell me he didn't try his absolute best to keep his cool while you did

- You were sitting there, just holding his hand, pouring your heart out- JUST FOR HIM? AND YOU WERE HOLDING HIS HAND??

- Tackled you as soon as you finished, peppering your face with kisses

-fish bf

- Loves to swim with you

- Gives you seashells he thinks are pretty

- "-Like you!"

- Has probably licked your face at some point

- "And i'll do it again!"

- "AL, NO!"

- LIVES for physical affection

- Hugging you from behind, casual kisses when you pass him, cuddle dates

- Lots of casual touches, actually

- He doesn't even really think of it, but he does often find himself tracing over your palms, curling a lock of your hair between his fingers; he loves being able to know you're there

- Thumb wrestle wars are definetely a thing. Especially if you're doing something else (walking, sitting at a table)

- It absolutely kills him when you run your hands over his scales, up his arm and to his face, holding it as you smile at him

- Will never admit it, but he is so touch starved. Gestures like these have him tearing up in your arms

- The way you comfort him and vow to be there for him makes Alberto feel cared for and loved.

- Alberto loves you, and knowing he finally has someone that doesn't plan on leaving him makes him feel at peace.

- Happy.

- At the start of your relationship, Massimo gave you the shovel talk. He saw the way his son looked at you when he thought you weren't looking; how you averted your eyes every time he held your hand.

- He, of course, did what he had to do as a father, but ultimately knew his son was in good hands.

- Alberto definetely talks to Luca and Giulia about you on the phone/through letters when they're in Genova

- You best bet they'll tease you about it when they get back

- *cue chaos*

- Alberto wouldn't trade you for the world.

- It takes him a bit to actually say he loves you, but he doesn't hesitate to let you know he really means it.

- "Ti amo più di qualsiasi altra cosa"


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