A Special Word of Love

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 I  freed a thousand slaves and would have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves!

-Harriet Tubman

It is my hearts desire that ALL would be informed!  Injustices, I can  not tolerate-on my watch!  

Knowing that MILLIONS are being deceived, is the reason why I write this e-book. My hope is that, even if one reads it and is redirected, from making the biggest mistake of their entire life- I have accomplished a great deal. 

Please know that, it  is NOT  my heart's desire to condemn those that took the jab! Neither is this written to harass or cyber bully, those that made a decision for whatever reason they did.  I just want it so, that IF you have not taken the jab, you will have clear facts on what, may save your life and ultimately your soul. 

Special Words of Love...

To the millions that have already taken the jab, I have cried a river for many of you that I love, that  have been a significant part of my life- now jabbed!   It was  the lies, fear  and downright deceit, that has caused many of you to act in fear, that will result  in later bodily injuries.  Just know, that your split decision, has impacted the lives of those that love you!

To My Special Friend in Indonesia: I am so sorry for the "vaccine" injuries you are now suffering. It breaks my heart to see  how quickly this has occurred, and the devastating changes you have sustained ,  literally overnight.  My heart goes out to you! 

To my precious family member- you broke my heart when you took the jab!  I protect, now I have to let...was not ready for this! :(

To many of you that have not taken the jab: Let this Fact Finding book serve to inform you, NOT TO! !

Please also check out my other book: VAXXED-The Mixed DNA- here  on  my platform page! - Please Share with as many as you can- This is a urgent message!

Stay tuned and check back as Chapters are released...

It's time to get the Truth!!!

A personal- Thank you ~Monetcielle

Got Jab?- The Fact Finding BookWhere stories live. Discover now