Chapter 2 ~ Reaping Day

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We arrive at the Capitol Square -not late- and we take our places close to the front and wait for the rest of the people to come. I see my father standing up at the podium with the head game maker, President Snow himself, and a few others.

Rebecca tugs my shoulder, "I'm hungry, and why do all the other children get to play while I have to stand here in boredom?" She whispers.

"Johnny isn't playing neither, and you just ate." I said back to her.

The anthem plays again and I wonder if I am the only one who hates it. It's starts off slow.

"Dun. Dun. Dun."

Then before you know it, you have to refrain from pulling your ears because it's so loud. Literally 10 to 100 real fast.


Then it just all ends. The anthem is so weird, unique, but mostly weird.

President Snow takes his place at the microphone stand. "Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to the 54th annual hunger games reaping! And now some words from our Head Game Maker!" Such originality. I think I actually rolled my eyes.

"Thank you, thank you, as many of you may know I am Judith Calico. This year promises for a brutal game and we spared no expenses. Ladies and gentlemen, District 1!" Screens flash on everywhere and shows a lean blonde girl volunteering. She is volunteering for death. Loud claps erupt from every direction. I hear the name Glen tossed around. A muscular boy with brown hair volunteers next. I have heard he is the best knife thrower in all of District 1. His name is Chase Webberman. I think. Its like this until district 3. The rest of the districts have to sadly send away some poor 12-year-old to their death. The only one that surprised me was district 11. It was a young girl with blonde hair, she's about to go up on the podium and it looked like her friend volunteered for her.

I wonder if I would volunteer for Rebecca. I probably would. Her name is Maribeth Jinley. She has blonde hair too. I don't know what composed me to believe this fact, I actually surprised myself here , but I know with all my mind no one, down to the last person in the capital, except me, thinks she will win.

I can see it.

I can see it in her.


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