Feelings got noticed

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In Patrick's thought,

I thought that you're not going to drink it but still happy that you did.

The boys arrived on the venue of the event, they put down their stuff and rest for a bit then went on to do some stretching before practice. They danced to the music until they perfected it.

"Okay, that's for now. Let's take a break for a moment." Santa said.

So everyone went to different corners to take a rest.

Patrick was on one of the corners and checking on his phone. When Nine came to him and sit beside him.

"Hey Patrick."

Patrick looked and smiled at him then back to his phone.

"How are you?" Nine asked him.

"Huh, I am good just a bit tired. You?"

"I am also good just thinking of some stuff."

When Patrick heard what Nine said he looked at him and he saw some bit of sadness.

"Nine, is there something bothering you?" Patrick puts his hand to Nine's shoulder.

"You know that you can tell it to me. Is there something wrong?"

"Well, it's not a problem its just I got news from my mom that Joong's father died and you know how close we are. So I am just kind of worried about him."

"Sad to hear about it. Yes I know that you are both close to each other and I know how you take care of each other. Have you called him? Calling would at least make him feel that you are there for him." Patrick hugged and smiled to Nine.

"Yes I will try to call him again. Thanks Patrick." Nine smiled to Patrick.

"Always. Remember that I'm always be here for you. You know that from the beginning that we got each other's back."

Nine smiled sweetly to Patrick. They went silent then Nine spoke.


"Hmmm.." then looks to Nine.


"Huh? What about me?"

"How are you? I am noticing something to you."

When Patrick heard what Nine said he felt a bit unease.

"Huh?... me?.. I am doing fine.. ahm.. I didn't change.. What something are you talking about?" Nine Noticed the gestures that Patrick is doing when he said about something and the stutters that Patrick has while speaking.

"Don't be nervous Patrick. Relax!" Nine puts his hand to Patrick's shoulder and smiled to him.

"As you said earlier that we always have each other's back, right? So you can also tell me about the things bothering you."

Patrick took a deep breath to relax himself. Then he looked at Nine in his eyes. But Patrick stayed silent.

"So I think there is really something bothering you. Come on. Tell me."

In Patrick's thought...

Will I tell it to Xiao Jiu? I said that we have each other's back but.... Will he be able to understand me deeper? Will he still be there for me and be my brother? Well I guess I better tell it to him for me to know but I hope it will turn out good. 



Hi guys sorry for the delay in update. Hope you all are doing good. Bit caught up with some works and still ideas for the stories.

Hope that all the readers are enjoying the story. My bad if there are any grammar error or typo errors. (I don't proofread some of my works)


That all the stories I am creating are all made up stories coming from my imaginative mind and all of these stories or upcoming stories. These stories doesn't PERTAIN the REAL-LIFE activities of the members OUT-OF-CAM.

This book is created not to DISRESPECT any person most especially the characters in this book. All the back stories or BEHIND THE SCENES are all FRAGMENTS of my imagination please DON'T TAKE IT TOO PERSONAL I made this for my fellow Insider fans who SHIPS/CP them IF YOUR NOT into their SHIP/CP please give respect and DO NOT PROCEED in reading this.

If by chance that you bump into these stories and you are not a fan of the pair that was made please SKIP the story itself.


The Journey to the universe ( with Thai trans Chapters)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon