One: Loss and Pain

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The Clone had been shot by the bounty hunter, and Omega ran over to the man she thought as "father"

"Hunter, please!"

"I'm afraid, Little Lady, that you can't do anything about it," the bounty hunter said silky. 

"Back off!" Omega screeched, and drew her bow. A droid tried to stop her, but ended up making the arrow stop on him.

Drawing again, she tried to fight off the bounty hunter, but was having no luck.

A blaster bullet whizzed past inches from Omega's head and took care of the bounty hunter. 

"Well now. Time to come with me, girl," snarled Crosshair. His face was burnt, make that his whole body, and bandages covered his worse burns. "For your information, it was I who killed Hunter. Cad Bane, the bounty hunter, was to slow."

"GO AWAY!" Tears were streaming down Omega's cheeks as she drew her bow and started shooting.

"Now girl, I did what I came to do. Now goodbye," Crosshair spat. Then he was gone.

"Hunter!" Once again, Omega ran to his side.

"O-Omega...." Hunter gasped.

"Hunter....." Still crying, Omega pulled off the Clone's helmet. "We'll heal you we'll get you help we'll do something!"

"No, Omega....this is my last run...."


Omega threw her arms around Hunter, and wouldn't let go. "No no no no no no no no no don't go!" She cried.

Hunter wrapped his arms around Omega, embracing the girl who he thought as his child. "It's okay. This happens to everyone....we Clones are no different...."

"Hunter I don't want to lose you you are the closest thing to a father to me I can't just let you go," Omega sobbed.

"It's okay....I love you, Omega...."

"I love you too Hunter...."

Hunter's breathing stopped, and his arms loosened, falling from the embrace. 

"HUNTER!" Omega lifted, and started to shake the Clone, but stopped when she saw his eyes.

Open and staring into nothing.

He was gone.

Omega screamed for hell, and collapsed in a sobbing bundle. 

"How sweet. The girl cries over her father," Crosshair's mock-sweet voice came from the shadows.


Omega's fury and sorrow was so great, she took Hunter's knife and blaster, and turned to face Crosshair. 

Crosshair, having more experience, almost had the upper hand.

But to Omega's surprise, Crosshair suddenly turned tail and fled after he made eye-contact with her. 

Once again, she broke down and crawled over to Hunter, sobbing harder than before. 


"C'mon! We have to get to Hunter and Omega!" Echo ordered, and the others followed. 

Yet when they got to where Omega and Hunter were, they froze.

Hunter was lying motionless, and Omega was crying.

Tech and Wrecker only stood there, both trying to figure out what happened. Echo moved toward Omega.

"Hey kid....what happe—"

Now Echo understood. 

"I-I had t-t-to w-watch it h-h-h-happen....he did it p-p-protecting me....I'll k-kill Crosshair myself!"

"CROSSHAIR did this?!"

Omega sniffed and nodded. "And I had to watch."

Echo pulled Omega into a hug, and motioned Wrecker and Tech to get over there. 

Wrecker picked up Hunter's body, and carried it into the ship so they could bury him.

Tech helped Echo get Omega into the ship, as well as try to calm her down.

But it all hit everyone hard.

Hunter was dead.

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