19. |Flashback|

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  *Jon's POV*

"Nothings been the same without you." "I missed you." "I need you here with me." "I love you." "I'm spending the rest of my life with you, regardless."

  These words ring through my head whenever I look at her. She's back in my life after months of missing her being in my arms. After months of her not being mine. After months of regretting letting her walk away. I feel like I've been trapped in this dark cloud I was able to hide for so long. I'm not an emotional, caring person to many people.. but she's seriously fucking changed me.. and I love it. I really do.

  It's like I seriously can't survive without her. That asshole lied to her, acted like he was dying. I WAS dying. I was broken. I just hid it well.. and the first chance I get, I'm ending him and Dave. I know Kat feels alone now.. but she never will be. Not in my arms. Not in my mind. Not in my presence. Not in my life.

  Not ever.

  *Kat's POV*

  Tuesday morning. The morning after the craziest night of my life. Okay, one of the craziest..

  I feel so happy that I've gotten my relationship with Jon back and everything between us is amazing, but I'm also pissed off. Not only did Colby play me for the last 5 months, but he's kept me from Jon the entire time. The one chance I had with Jon, he made me doubt and I was lucky enough to get him back.. but Dave.. my own brother. The one person that's defended me, been there for me my entire life, always cared about me.. he threw me under the bus and threw away everything we've ever worked for together. He's now against me, and I have twice the enemies I did before. And now.. the enemy knows everything about me. This couldn't go wrong in any way possible..

  "So. What are you thinking about?" Jon lightly smiled, hugging me from behind. "I'm trying to focus on us, but it's kinda hard knowing what we're facing.. well, what I'M facing anyways." I sighed. "No. It's what WE'RE facing. Whatever you're going through, I am too." He smiled. "Well, thank you. I'm just really worried about this. I just want to kill them all so I don't have to worry about it anymore." I laughed, throwing a pillow on the bed. "I know you really don't want to bring it up, but you've been saying he knows everything about you. Your past, your secrets, everything. What does he know that's so bad you don't tell anybody? I'm not pressuring you to tell me, but it's easier to fight them knowing everything and so nothing's a shock later down the road." He sighed. I turned my head away, taking a few deep breaths to get rid of my anxiety. "You're right.. story time." I laughed.

  "It all started when I was 5. I had a pretty good life up until then. I was a happy kid, creative, probably the most well-behaved and nice person you'd meet for being 5. Then.. my parents got in this Insane fight one night. We were at the dinner table and my dad came home late. He had perfume on his jacket and my mom was pissed. They got in a huge argument, and next thing I knew, glasses and plates were being thrown. I tried separating them, but my dad shoved me. Then, he shoved my mom against the wall. I hid in the closet for a while until I heard a door slam. My dad left us that night. It was me, my mom and Dave until I was 14. I'd been upset for a few years, but I got over it and learned to live with my life how it was. It'd been 9 years, and my mom was still single. Dave was starting to help me with working out and stuff, and I was basically back to my normal old personality, or so everyone thought. I was still hurting and wished my family was whole. I still do.. But, anyways. Then.. on my 15th birthday, my dad showed up with a present for me. Honestly I didn't want it. I didn't want him there. At the time, we were talking alone in my room and he told me to open my gift. I opened it and it was a picture of my 5th birthday party. The last purely happy memory I had of my family. I tore it up in front of him, and he was instantly livid. He shoved me against the wall and that's all it took. That was the day I changed. I reversed the position and held him against the wall and told him that he ruined my life for cheating on my mom. He tried fighting out but I threw him into a glass figurine case I had in my room from when I was a baby. Dave and my mom came up and called the cops. Ever since my dad's been in prison. Also, I was in an abusive relationship at 17. I was used for my body and he tried to get me into drugs. I fought myself out of it, but he used me for 2 years. It was a bad time in my life. I've been through other hard times too like bullying, friends leaving me, etc. Hell, I was cutting myself for 3 months until Dave found me one night in my bathroom having a panic attack. He secretly helped me for a few months and made sure I was fine. We've been through a lot, and he knows every detail of my life. And he can use it against me at any time. That's also why I don't want to see my parents. After I changed, my mom didn't like who I became.. who I am now. And my dad.. I never want to see his worthless ass again. I just feel like no one's ever gonna be there for me.. and if they are, they'll turn away and leave just like Dave did. Just like my father did.."

  Tears ran down my cheeks and Jon held me in his arms. "I'm so sorry. I'll always be there for you, I promise. I'm not Dave. I'm not Colby. I'm not your dad, or your family. I'm Jon, and I'm here for you. And I always will be. I promise you, you will never lose me and I will always fight for you. I love you." He whispered, keeping me close. "I love you too." I sighed, wishing I could just leave the world with him right now.

  I never got emotional easily before I got to WWE. Starting the career no one believed I could do reminded me of my past, then everything I've been through just makes me insane. When it comes to those memories, I get emotional. I hate it because it still kills me inside knowing my entire family resents me and turned on me.

  "Anything else?" He smiled, still holding me. "Yeah, actually. My name hasn't always been Kat. My birth name is Tara, but my mom let me change it when I was 16. My dad used to call me Tara Bear, so I couldn't stand my name any more. Plus I always hated Tara. I liked Kat.. I wanted my name to be that. And now for the past 8 years, I've been known as Katrina Marie Brookes. No more Tara Bear." I laughed. "You'll always be my Kitty Kat. No matter what your name is." He laughed, kissing my forehead.

  "Now that you know everything, it's time to figure out this war. This fight. This battle we're being forced into." I sighed. "We got this. He can't hurt you with what's already happened. Show them you're stronger than some old memories. They can't take you down." He smiled. "You're right.. you're actually right." I smiled.

  I hope this is as easy as it sounds..

Memories & Memoirs {A WWE Fanfic} *On Hold*Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu