Prachi was in anger and now it burst she suddenly slapped Reha


Pragya(shots)- Prachi is this a way to treat your Sister she done all this for you and Rehan

Prachi- Mom she deserves this you know what she has done today

Siddharth and Rehan Reached their

Prachi- Mom till this time what she done I forgive her because she is my sister my Triplet sister every time she insulted you me I tolerate everything because I remembered my relation with her but she is just like her father who only knows to betray

Pragya(shouts)- Enough Prachi I will not listen a word against my husband

Prachi- Mom you know what she did she destroyed my hard work

Reha- Di what are you saying

Prachi- Stop your Drama pls and tell me why you do this with me with our company Mom you know na that 
Tandon group is going realse it's tender result

Pragya nods

Prachi- We didn't get that and it's because of her my Propsal and Presentation was best in that but she leaked my propsal details and we lost it

Tears fall from Reha eyes

Prachi- Now look she is crying Mom that was my hard work and I should get that contract

Pragay- Prachi it's Business it happens with us also

Reha(crying)- Mom Di I didn't do anything

Prachi- Tell me where is that file

Reha(crying)- That file

Prachi- You don't have an answer right Reha thought you are changing I thought I will forgive you soon but why you did this for Money if that is the case you can ask from Mom Bahi anyone

Dasi- Prachi Beta forgive her she is your Younger sister

Prachi- Dasi How could I it was not about my profit it involves the profits of our employees who were involved you are not my sister Reha

Saying this Prachi leaves the Mansion and Reha run In her room and cried

After Sometime

Sahana come with some people

Sahana- Sir He is my Brother Siddharth and he is Rehan and my Sister Prachi

Siddharth- Who are they

Sahana- Bahi he is Mr Neil Tandon MD Tandon Group

Siddharth- Nice to meet you

Mr Tandon- Same here

Prachi- Pls have a seat

Siddharth- What you like to have

Mr Tandon- I come here for a reason Mr Siddharth Miss Prachi the contract for which you send the proposal

Prachi- I know I didn't get and my propsal meet someone propsal

Mr Tandon- That's not the reason actually when I saw your propsal I really get impressed by that so I decided not give you that small contract but Partnership in my every Big Project I called you and Sahana picked up she bring that file to me

Smile come on Prachi face

Prachi- Thank you so much Sir

Mr Tandon- Mr Siddharth she has great Business sense and all the qualities of an Entrepreneur I will send you the papers

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