4 - Unexpected Bed Partners - Ambrollins II

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I woke up in Dean's arms, the room was still dark so I knew it must be early. I took a deep breath in, inhaling his scent. It was a mix of his worn off cologne and a scent that smelled like home, safety, security and love. I moved slightly and I could catch a glimpse of Dean's face out of the corner of my eye, he looked beautiful like this, his face was all relaxed and his stress lines were completely faded. He just looked peaceful and it was beautiful.

I felt Deans hands trail up my side as he began to wake up. "Morning Fseth." His morning voice was low and raspy and it made my stomach flip. "G'morning." I felt my phone start to buzz in my pocket and I bashfully grab it, feeling embossed that I was still in my jeans. "Sorry, gotta take this." He nodded and I answered my phone, placing it to my ear. "Seth you're going to miss breakfast if you don't get out of bed." Roman sounded like my mother and I had to hold back a sigh. "Alright, alright I'll be down in a minute."

I hung up the phone and I nestled back into Deans chest. "We need to go to breakfast Dean." He groaned voicing exactly how I feel. "We can't exactly miss it because Hunter will still force us to eat at the arena." Dean shrugged and I sat up, rubbing my face. "Come on, I'm going to go down for food. Don't make me go alone." I swung my legs over the bed and I tried to stand up but Dean wrapped his arms around my waist. "Don't go." He whined. "Just come with me, I'm not being funny Dean Hunter found us kissing last night, having breakfast is probably the most normal thing we can do." He finally caved, moving to sit up himself.

I stood up from the double bed and I grabbed my discarded t-shirt from the floor. "What do you reckon Hunter is going to say?" Seth asked as he pulled one of my hoodies over his head. "I don't know, I'm more concerned about what my assistant has to say." He cocked his head to the side a little, looking absolutely adorable as confusion masked his face. "Let's just go to breakfast." I pulled him out of our hotel room by his hand and I hesitantly let go as we began to walk down the corridor, I felt his hand brush mine as we reached the lift. We both looked down at the ground, blush covering both of our faces as our hands knocked together once more.

Once the lift opened I finally felt enough confidence to grab his hand, intertwining his fingers with mine. I could see the small smile on his face out of the corner of my eye and I could feel the warm happy feeling bubbling in the pit of my stomach. "I like this." I mumbled and Seth squeezed my hand. "Yeah me too." He pressed the button on the lift and the doors closed in front of us. "Everyone's going to know that there's something going on between us." I mumbled and Seth turned to face me. "How?"

"You're wearing my hoodie." He looked up to the mirror and he laughed. "Oh yeah, I can take it off if you want? We've still got a floor till we're in reception." I shook my head, smiling at him as we made eye contact in the mirror. "Nah it looks cute on you."

I could feel the blush creeping up my neck as the double doors to the lift opened, to say I was flattered would be not even cutting it. I've had people call me cute before but it's never given me the butterflies like it just did from Dean. We walked out of the lift together hand in hand and for the first time in my life it felt like I was in the right place, with the right person.

"Ah good morning boys!" I heard Hunter's unusually cheerful voice from beside me and I turned to face him, not dropping my grip on Deans hand. "We saved two seats for you both over there, but hurry because breakfast is nearly over and you can't fight on an empty stomach!" We both smiled before awkwardly shuffling across the room to the table with two empty chairs. "Good morning lover boys!" I heard Dean's assistant snark as she placed two plates of breakfast down in front of us. "Shut up Charlotte." He blushed as he looked down at his food and I felt him place his hand on my thigh, sending goosebumps all over my body. "We told you it would work out, now you two just gotta explain to Roman. He's still clueless." Her tone was cheerful so I just assumed that she was happy for us, but the thought of explaining to Roman makes my stomach sink to the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2021 ⏰

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