• 𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐃𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 •

Start bij het begin

"Shut yo ass up!" Khalil snapped, "I ain't give you no fuckin' options lil' nigga, you came to me askin' to make easy money, I gave you a choice and you took it, so don't talk like I forced you into shit," Riley sat back, looking away, "Q.C got snitch in his blood, his moms ratted out her own nigga, how am I s'posed to trust his ass?"

"I'll make sure he don't snitch!" Riley blurted out.

Khalil shook his head, "you really don't know shit about streets do you? Ain't not talkin' out, we gotta iron out all da rough patches before shit goes sideways and we all locked up" Khalil then glared at Riley, "I know you, ya mouth don't run, so I'mma let you leave, but if and when I shoot them nigga, if I even see yo ass near a police station, ya auntie pickin' out coffins, capiche?"

Riley wanted to defy him, to argue back, but he knew he couldn't, so he just nodded, "good, now go home, ain't shit else to discuss"

On his walk home, Riley was sure he looked like a corpse, he was staring vacantly at the ground, barely blinking, and just walking. Khalil wanted to kill Quincy, Khalil swore he was going to kill Quincy, and Riley couldn't do anything about it. They were both just runner boys, all they did was transport and deliver drugs, that's it, that's all it was supposed to be, how had it possibly gone this far?

When Riley got him, the building was empty. Carrie had gone to work and Huey was out with friends, meaning it was just him and, as he soon discovered, Newton. The boy went to his bedroom and slumped on his bed, he stared at the wall, being home alone wasn't fun anymore, he was always looking over his shoulder, he felt scared, a feeling Riley hated more than anything. He was soon joined by a certain doberman puppy, who was absolutely large by now, that found his way onto the young boys lap.

"Yo Newton... watchu think Granddad woulda said if he saw the shit I was now?" he then chuckled, "you never met him, shit, my bad," Riley then looked up, though still using a hand to pet the dog, "I think he woulda been extra pissed man... the typa pissed that had him sittin' in his lil' chair m-mad as hell"

Though forcing out a chuckle, the puppy raised his head inquisitively at the tone Riley was speaking in, his curious expression becoming worrisome whines when he saw a couple droplets fall from the young boy's cheeks.

"Man, no wonder he ain't stand my ass, a-all I do is fuck up," he used his other hand to grip his bedsheets, "Khalil gon' kill Q.C, I put all of us in danger man, all 'cause I wanted some fuckin' money," whether it was because of pure overwhelming emotion, or the fact that he knew he was gonna be alone with Newton for at least a few hour, Riley just let the tears fall, "this wasn't s'posed to happen! What am I gonna do? I can't tell nobody, Khalil got eyes every, I'm not gon' make it man, I'm not gon' make it... and it's all my fault, this ain't what Granddad wanted at all, no wonder he fuckin' hated me,"

Riley sniffled, and as he did so, Newton tried his very best to calm him, snuggling into him, placing gentle licks to his cheeks, the boy just took it, petting Newton all the while. Eventually, Riley got tired, and laid back, and found himself drifting off, Newton then curled up beside him, and though not falling asleep himself, stayed quiet and still so Riley could nap, finally getting a bit of rest.


"What are you doin' here?"

Carrie stared in awe, she felt her heart race as though she were a school girl once more. The woman worked at a hotel, meaning she often spent days and nights away, so imagine her shock when an all black Bugatti pulled up at her work, with a certain Shawn Belmont stepping out.

"What do you think? I'm here to take you out, we still haven't had our date, and I'm finally free"

Though her brain pleaded to say yes, she shook her head, "I'd love too Shawn, but I'm kinda workin'-"

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