I was talking to Mia for a while when a guy and letty came over to me " I'm dom and you must be Athena your sister talks a lot of good things about  you "  I smiled and gave him a side hug

" really that's surprising usually I'm a dick " and my sister gave me a look to stop but I smiled innocently

dom only shakes his head and laughs " you really are letty sister" and puts his arm around my sister

" well I would love and stay and chat with you all but I have a bed that's calling me , I will see you all around" she says waving bye to them all

I started walking past all the people when suddenly I felt someone grab my ass which made me turn around so fast " which one of you jackass did that "

The group of guys started to laugh until one spoke up " that would be me sweetheart I was just admiring the view of those shorts"

I got pissed at that and punched him straight in the face to which he fell onto the ground groaning since his nose cracked " that is the last time you grab me like that you got it perv "

His friends weren't too happy about that and were about to charge at the girl when someone came up from behind her and started to beat the living daylights out of every single one of them

Athena moved back and watched the unknown man fight but once he stopped and turn around she saw how handsome he really was

If she could she would just stand their and keep checking him out but a lot of people kept whispering about what happened so she did the only logical thing she could think of , she walked away

She was already out the door and on the side walk going back home but not until she felt someone grab her and turn her around " a thank you would be nice " it was the guy from the house

"I had it under control " she replied back and started to walk again " if you did I wouldn't have stepped in " he said stoping her again

She only shrugged " I know but I rather think I had it under control then to admit that I wouldn't of gotten my ass beat "

" I wouldn't have let that happen , no lady deserves to get beat up by any male or harassed " I looked him in the eyes and I started to feel this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach

" I'm Athena and you are? " I put my hand out for him to shake it and he did " I'm Jakob " I notice him checking me out slightly

I totally take back what I said about looking like the lockness monster

"You know if your gonna keep checking me out at least take me on a date first " I said with a smirk

He only chuckled " that can be arrange , tomorrow 7 :00 meet me here " I only looked at him shocked

" well i - um I was joking " I replied I didn't actually think he would take that serious

I only said that because I seen so many movies where the girl always says that 

" I'll see you tomorrow Athena " he kisses my cheek and then I just stand their not moving at all Until he was out of the sight  "what the fu-"

Flashback over


Water slowly started dripping down my back as I washed out the conditioner out of my hair softly , all you could hear was the water running but that was until I heard my phone going off

I turned off the water and grabbed a towel and started to walk back into my room

* buzz buzz *

I grabbed my phone answering but not looking at the contact " hello this is the Athena the one and only goddess speak " I said as I go through my closet to look for clothes

"Athena hey I was wondering if you were busy tomorrow" I stopped for a second after hearing the voice but I continue to change

" I'm never too busy for you Jakob " I said smiling slightly I walked over to my mirror sitting down

" I was wondering if you can come to my dads race tomorrow it would really mean a lot if you could go even if it's for a few minutes " he asked

Jakob was nervous since she was quiet for long and not answering " I would love too , what time " he smiled thanking the universe

" around 10 , I can even pick you up " he offered since he loved the spend time with her

" sure that's fine but on one condition , you have to come over right now " I brushed my hair

"Okay I'll be their soon " And with that she hung up the phone and went to lettys room

" Jakob is coming over so do me the favor and don't come in my room to bother me" I said giving her a puppy eye look

"Again wasn't he here earlier " letty asked her sister with one eye brow raised and checked the clock seeing that it was 11 at night

I only smiled at her " what can I say I'm a attention seeking whore" I joked with her

" well only for Jakob " I smiled and then left her room back to mine

I laid on my bed waiting for Jakob for about a few minutes but then I heard tapping on the window

I walked over and pulled the curtains open and see Jakob with a smile so I opened the window for him to which he climbed in and closed it

" finally what took u so long " I asked hugging him and then pulling him in for a kiss

Oh yeah I forgot to mention we're dating

" had to sneak past my dad but I'm here now " he picked me up and walked us towards the bed and dropped me and crawled on top of me

Jakob admired her and pulled her hair behind her ear and kissed her softly but not before telling her how beautiful she looked

" I love you " he said and looked into her eyes , Athena smiled placing her hand over his cheek " I love you too " and pulled him into a kiss

The two were happy together but they don't know what's about to come something that would change everything


Note - I will publish at least one or two chapters everyday, it took me a while to start writing  since I wanted the beginning to come out good

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