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Third person pov
Trunks just came back from training with his father and they are welcomed not only by Bulma, his mother, but also by the sweet aroma.

"Wow, mum, dinner smells delicious." He tried to sneak a piece into his mouth but his hand was smacked.

"Not until you and Vegeta get to the shower!!! YOU TWO GET TO THE SHOWER RIGHT NOW!!!!!!! YOU TWO STINK AND YOU'RE NOT ABOUT TO STINK UP MY KITCHEN!!!!!!!"

They ran, seeing who will get to the bathroom first. They ran pass Bulla hitting her in the process.

"Mama, Trunks and Papa pushed me down!!!!" Bulla cried on the stairs.

"Oh my baby" Bulma yelped running to get her little angel. "It's okay baby, Mama's got you" Bulma had Bulla on her lap, rubbing her hair. " It's okay darling. I'll teach them never to hit my baby again, okay?" " Mama, I want a shawarma". " Okay baby, after dinner okay?" " Okay, mama."

You could say that Bulla is a spoilt brat. I'm quoting Vegeta😂. Bulma spoils her little girl. She wants Bulla to be happy. On the other hand, while Bulla is being pampered, someone else is being pounded to the ground. Literally


Pan gets up from the floor, bleeding from her lip and nose but still had the energy to pay back.


Yup. It's them😁

"Yikes , I think i made her mad" Goten yelped. " Gohan, help me!! Aggghhh!!" Pan blasts his butt with a ki.

"Pwahahahahahahaha...." "It's not funny Gohan. Your sister blasted my ass" Goten whined. " Yeah, that's because you're an asshole". Once again, Gohan bursted into laughter " oh kami, you two sure crack me up"


"Oh no" Goten yelped


"Pan, l-let's put what you're about to do i-into c-consideration"


" Pan, I'm your sweetest brother"

" Me"

" Gohan, stop her, please big bro" he begged
" Ok, Panny, that's enough" Gohan finally spoke up, still laughing.

Pan stopped charging the Kamehameha wave.

"Thanks a bunch Gohan"

"You got lucky this time Goten"

"*Gulp* hehe"

Back at the Briefs resident, two people are about to receive the shouting of their lives.


Oh boy. Someone made Bulma mad. This isn't gonna end good😰😅

"H-Hey m-mum. You c-called me" he stammered. "Where is your father?" " What do you want woman?" Vegeta scowled as he walked down the stairs. " You made my angel cry!" She replied "And I have a name Vegeta!!!" " Does it look like I care" he replied with another scowl on his face. "Why did you push my angel to the ground?" Trunks calmed down, realizing it wasn't anything serious. "It was an accident, mum." Bulma's looked at him with a look that brought fear into the teenager boy. He bends to Bulla's height and patted her head.

"I'm sorry Bu. I didn't mean to bump you over. It was an accident. I was trying to get to the bathroom before dad." She looked at her big brother " It's okay, Onichan. I forgive you"

One true love (trunks x pan)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon