You won't hurt me - Moony

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  Hey, another one shot! Yay! To be honest, I published the first one five minutes ago, but I've just got so many one shots about Sirius and Remus sitting in my Notes that I am yet to share with you guys I just couldn't resist publishing another one.

Disclaimer: J K Rowling owns all the characters and you own Y/n.

Enjoy ;)

  You raced around the Quidditch pitch. Throwing the Quaffle to one of the Chasers on your team. It was your first Quidditch try outs and you desperately wanted to make the team. Being muggleborn people often underestimated you and you wanted to prove them wrong. You had also found a natural talent for the broom when you'd had your flying lesson last year and Madam Hooch had pulled you aside and offered to give you private lessons after classes. You had been training hard and hopefully it would pay off.
By the end of the try-outs your ponytail was knotted from the wind and your cheeks were flushed but you'd never felt so alive.
"Okay," the Gryffindor Team Captain said, "Now all of you made a great effort and I saw some promising players out there today but unfortunately we cannot take everybody. So tomorrow the new team list will be on the courtyard noticeboard after classes. You can all take a look and report to Madam Hooch's office emediatly if you've made the cut. So that's all and thank you for coming."
Everyone filed into the changing rooms but before you could someone tapped your shoulder.
You turned around to see James Potter, the famous Gryffindore Seeker. He was a year above you and him and his group of friends - the marauders - were well known throughout the school. All the girls fawned over James and Sirius Black, but you thought the smart one, Remus Lupin, had the most beautiful brown eyes you'd ever seen.
"Hey, you're (Y/n) (L/n) right?" he asked. You nodded. "You were really good out there! I mean, I'm a Seeker so I'm not that familiar with the Chaser tactics but you seemed to be scoring every five minutes."
You grinned, "Thanks. You must be James Potter."
He nodded, "I am. Why haven't I seen you around? You're in year two right?"
"Yeah. I just spend most of my free time here or reading and studying in the Library," you added almost sheepishly, "I-I don't really have many friends."
He grinned and grabbed your arm, "Well, now your going to be my friend and I'm going to make you a marauder."
You eyes widened, "Oh no, you don't have to-"
"I know. But I want to."


"Hey (Y/n)! Over here!" you turned to see James waving you over to where him and his friends sat. Your heart fluttered when you saw Remus looking at you curiously.
Taking a deep breath you walked through the bustling Great Hall to sit next to James at the Gryffindor table.
"Guys, this is (Y/n). She's gonna be a Chaser on the team."
You blushed, "You don't know that. The list isn't out yet."
He rolled his eyes playfully, "No one was as good as you yesterday. Believe me."
You blushed harder and shook your head. Not because of what James was saying but because of the way Remus was looking at you. It was a mixture between impressed and confusion as to why you were sitting with them.
"Let me introduce everyone," James said cheerfully, "This is Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew and Remus Lupin. Remus, you and (Y/n) are both smartsy people, you'll get along."
Sirius smiled at you charmingly and said, "Lovely to meet you my Lady."
You chuckled, "You too, good Sir."
His eyes flashed with amusement, "I like this one," he decided.
"Nice to meet you," Peter said innocently.
"If you ever need to talk to someone civil after a day full of them, I'm at your service," Remus said, smiling kindly, "You and I can help keep each other sane."
You laughed, "Thanks Lupin."
"Please, call me Remus."
"Remus, then."
Sirius nudged Lupin in the side, "Looks like someone has a crush!"
"I do not!" he exclaimed, face red.
Your face mimicked his.
James sighed dramatically, "I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship!"


You pushed through the crowd around the noticeboard and scanned the piece of paper, heart thumping.
"Yes!" you exclaimed.

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