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Mina: Can I tell Nayeonie she looks nice?

Sana: Sure.

Mina: Can I tell her I miss her? 

Momo: Maybe, if she asks. 

Mina: Can I show her an oil painting I made of us surrounded by our children and grandchildren?


Sana: I'd save that for the second date


Sana: There must be something Nayeonnie isn't good at.

Momo: Maybe she's a bad kisser? 

Mina: No, she's definitely good at that. Like, really good. Really, the best.

Sana and Momo: 


Mina: Do you think Nayeonnie likes me? As in like likes me?

Momo: Of course, she agreed to marry you didn't she?

Mina: Yeah but does she like me?

Incorrect Nayeon shipsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat