2. What time is it?

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What time is it?

Damn 4.30am. It's gonna take me a couple of days to reset my internal clock. I am wide awake now, I might as well do something. Opening the curtains, I can see the dark sky lightening a little, the sun is on its way but probably not ready to show itself yet. I don't actually know what time it rises here. The last few weeks have been a blur. It all looks so quiet outside. Quieter than in my head. I need to go for a run. Working out always helps me clear my thoughts.

After getting changed, I leave my room, crossing a very quiet house. Pulling the heavy front door, I see the sky is definitely getting a little brighter. It's a little fresh but I will warm up as soon as I start running. After stretching briefly, I begin running along a path which could be taking me all around campus. I have my buds on, my pop playlist blasting to give me energy, and feel good about exercising outside. It hasn't happened in so long. I feel so much tension leaving my body already.

No one around. Wide paths. Awesome. I catch myself running with my eyes closed every so often. And then I trip, like a moron! I can feel myself fall in slow motion, head first. I quickly move my arms over my head and use my quirk to solidify air, pushing the air slab with my hands, doing a somersault basically, to finally land back on my feet. That was not pretty but who's gonna see anyway. I've managed to avoid a fall. I stand there, catching my breath, controlling my nerves for a few seconds.

Coming from nowhere, I hear someone shouting. I take one of my buds out and turn around to see a blonde spiky haired guy, clearly looking annoyed, running towards me.

"YOU'RE IN THE WAY DUMBASS!" He runs passed me at a really fast pace and continues mumbling nonsense.

What's wrong with that dude? The paths are extra wide, plenty of space. Only me standing here. Is he an idiot? Pff! Whatever.

I continue running. Better not doing it with my eyes closed anymore. It was a freeing moment but a very stupid decision.

After a good hour of running, I make my way back to the house and do a few core exercises on the lawn, some push ups too. I have definitely been out of shape lately. I need to get back into it. I need to be the best! Sitting there, I catch my breath and do some stretches while looking at the colourful sky, the sun rising. It's gonna be a nice day today.

I enter the main living area and see a few people in the kitchen.

"Hi Mikki." Says a guy with green hair.


"Midoriya. I mean I'm Midoriya. You're probably gonna have to learn everyone's names and quirks and if you want I can give you my notes to..."

"Your notes?"

"Don't mind him. He has notes for everybody." I turn around and face that guy with red hair and a smile as big as my awkwardness seeing people slowly invading the communal area. The sun is now shining through the window and hits his face, making me feel all warm and fuzzy. "I'm Kirishima." He smiles again.

"Hi Kirishima. I'm... shit... you know who I am..."

A water bottle shows up right in front of my eyes.

"You should stay hydrated. It's very important! I'm Iida, class rep. If you need anything, please do ask." This guy talks like a robot. "I can also take you through what we are studying at the moment."

"Thanks... for the water. And thanks for offering. I think I'll be alright."

More people are now occupying the living area, slowly making their way closer to me and I feel more and more overwhelmed by the attention and the flying questions.

It wasn't supposed to happen // MHA Bakugo Where stories live. Discover now