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Hello, hooman. I guess I need to introduced myself. I am Edin. And I am a cat.

But Edin is not a regular cat. Edin is a cool cat. And why is that? Because my Daddy is cool! So Edin is also cool. You human must be wondering by now, "who is Edin's daddy?". Well, my daddy is no other than... drumroll please... Earth Pirapat Watthanasetsiri!!

What?! How could a cat has a hooman as a daddy?! Well, let me tell you a story.

One day, Edin was playing with my brothers at the old place. The old place was nice, the caretaker took care of Edin and Edin's brother well. And on top of that, I have a lot of siblings to play with. But Edin favorite brother is Hazard. Because he treat Edin nicely! And he gave me some of his food! He also let Edin play with his tail, WHICH IS AWESOME!

Anyway, I can't play with brother Hazard anymore. Because one day, two human came to pick me up. One is taller, and one is shorter. The taller one has a tanner skin, and big body. Unlike the shorter one. The moment the two of them approached me, Edin knew, that the two of them smell differently. The taller one smells like yummy food! But the shorter one smells like the white jacket human who loves to poke Edin with pointy stuff. Edin hates that kind of human!

The taller human introduced himself as Daddy Earth. While the shorter one introduced himself as Uncle Mix. But you see, human, Edin is confused. Because when we are alone, and there is no other human except the two of them, Daddy Earth introduced Uncle Mix as Papa Mix! So is this Mix person my uncle or my papa?

Edin never felt so confuse in my entire life!

After they introduced themselves, they played with the other cat too. And they told Edin that I need to say goodbye to my siblings. Edin is sad. Edin loves playing with my siblings! So Edin comply with their request and said bye bye to my siblings. Especially brother Hazard. Edin's day are going to be lonely without brother Hazard! But the the two human assure Edin, that they hope, someday, Edin could play with my siblings again.

And so, Edin embark on a journey to this weird human place called Bangna. Along with two human who smelled the opposite, of course. But they were just Edin sidekick in this adventure. Edin is the true hero!

The moment we arrived at Bangna, Daddy Earth let me explore the place. The place is awesome! There are a lot furniture that I can scratch. And there are a lot of high places that I can climb!

This weird place also has a lot of picture in this weird square thingy. And I never understood the concept of picture. Is the person inside the picture real or not? If real, then why are there a picture of Daddy Earth and this Mix person inside the square thingy? While clearly, they were standing a few meters away from me? Dear human, please enlightened Edin.

Turns out, there are a lot human on this Bangna place. There are a human called Tae, and a human called Boyd. There is also a lot of human who I can't remember the names. And these human loves to squeeze and hug and kiss Edin! Edin is so uncomfortable! Edin just wanted to play!

But thankfully, night comes and those human finally left Bangna. Right now, there is only Edin, Daddy Earth, and this Mix person inside the house. And Edin was just chilling on the sofa at the living room.

You see, human, I never met a lot of human before. So Edin never know the normal human interaction. But I thought that kissing and hugging and squeezing each other was only for cat and human. So why does Daddy Earth and this Mix person loves to do it so much? I hate to ask, but please enlightened me once more, dear human.


A lot of time has passed, and Edin are finally accustomed to life at Bangna. Sure, Edin missed my brother Hazard, but I never felt lonely. Because Daddy Earth are always playing with me. Along with that Mix person, of course.

Edin finally learned that this Mix person didn't actually live at Bangna. But the amount of time he spent on Bangna is huge! So I was confused on why did he not live here in the first place? He would be saving a lot of money for rent and gas and food if he stays here right? For a cat doctor, this Mix person is quite stupid.

But I don't mind though. This Mix person is very annoying! He loves to put a round metal that were connected to his ears on my stomach! Daddy Earth said that's because he needs to check on my health with a ste—steto— Edin hates complicated words!

On top of that, this Mix person also loves to kiss Edin! While smelling like a cat medicine! Yuck!

Therefore, Edin loves it when it's just Daddy Earth and me inside the house. We like to cuddle to sleep together! But Edin can't do that when this Mix person came into the house. Because he also sleeps on Edin and Daddy Earth's bed. And he also loves to cuddle to Daddy Earth! What an attention seeking human.


A week like this is Edin favorite. Because other human and Daddy Earth said that this Mix person is busy studying for his exam, so he can't come to Bangna very often. Which is the reason why Edin loves a week like this the most. Because Edin could hog all Daddy Earth attention to myself!

But somehow, Daddy Earth looks lonely and lifeless when this Mix person is not around. And no matter how much effort I spent to cheer on Daddy Earth, it seems so futile. It seems that this particular human of mine really missed this Mix person.

"Should I pick up Mix, Edin?" asked Daddy Earth.

"Meow," I respond.

Yes, Daddy! You need to pick up this Mix person! Without this Mix person you look so lonely! Edin hates seeing Daddy Earth looking so lonely!

It seems that Daddy Earth got my messages. Because he quickly took the car keys that were lying on the table and lift Edin to the car. And so, Edin and Daddy Earth finally embark on a journey to pick up the most annoying human being that Edin ever met, this Mix person.


Ever since that day, this Mix person always come to Bangna every one or two days. Edin sees more of him than other human. Which drives Edin sick! Because this Mix person always comes smelling like medicine! And Edin hates medicine!

But this particular day are different though. Edin hasn't seen this Mix person for three days. Daddy Earth said that's because this Mix person are busy with shooting. But why does Daddy Earth look so happy even though he hasn't met this Mix person for three days?

"Edin, Mix will be coming here today," said Daddy Earth.

"AGAIN?!" I exclaimed. Which of course sounded more like 'meow' in Daddy Earth's ear.

So this is why Daddy Earth was so happy. This Mix person are finally coming here after three days of absence.

Edin doesn't like it. Edin doesn't like it at all. But if Daddy Earth is happy with this Mix person, who is Edin to judge? Right, dear human?

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