2. Free Drugs

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Belle's POV
The door opened and I pulled the princess back by her arm. She stumbled before smacking my shoulder.
"They're up?" A stranger asked as he calmly walked through the simple hospital room. Or maybe it was just a potions room..
"Hello." He greeted, the two young boys backing near him.
"What is this place? Who are you?"
The man moved forward, so I drew my short-sword.
His arms went up in defense.
"This is a nation, and you're trespassing." He explained.
"She was unconscious!" The princess whined from behind me. "And you let us in-! Sir.."
I assessed the group fully, noting their lack of protection and weapons.
I slid my sword back in its sheath and crossed my arms.
"Who's in charge around here?"
His eyes widened and a smile crossed his face the second after. He opened his arms and chuckled slightly.
"Well.. you're looking at him."
I looked him up and down.
A frown followed, and I grabbed the Princess's bags for her.
"Um, Could we rest here for a night?" The princess asked kindly.
"Your highness, no!"
"Absolutely not!"
The man matched my timing and I turned to him with a scowl.
"Speak to the princess with respect!"
He squinted. "Uh huh- I'm not dumb enough to let potential spies into L'manberg's walls."
"Spies? Who's spying on this place?" I asked.
"We're in the midst of an election, so if either of the other parties think they can just let two snakes slither into all of our secrets—!"
"Wilbur, you might want to calm down." The blond said.
"She can barely stand! Is that seriously something a spy would do??"
I squinted at the boy and fixed my posture.
"We're not spies! Our kingdom was-"
"ANITA!" I yelled over her before clearing my throat. "..princess. Please."
She scoffed, pushing my arm down, causing my weak body to also shift and hit the wall.
"Listen! We've been walking for two days!"
"Three." I added as the princess got in Wilbur's face.
"Three days!" She corrected. "So! "King Wilbur"! Give us a day to gather our shit and get out of your painfully juvenile kingdom!"
I sat as he backed up at her accusations.
"Hey!" Tommy cried out.
Wilbur straightened his coat.
"It's president, and country, not kingdom."
He walked towards the door.
He opened it, turning before leaving.
"One night. You leave in the morning."

Anita's POV
"One night. You leave in the morning." He said before shutting the door behind him.
I looked to the two boys and smiled, as if I'd won something, and surprisingly I was met with the same smiles back.
"I've never seen someone get through to him like that!" Tubbo exclaimed.
Belle stood again, stretching. "May I use one of these?" She pointed to the potions on the table.
"Please, go ahead!" He told her.
"Princess, come here."
I followed her voice, still facing the two boys.
"Should we show her around?" Tubbo asked.
"Duh! Or- can we show you around?" Tommy inquired.
"I mean-"
"oh- Your highness!" He corrected, interrupting me.
Belle exhaled quietly, amused, as she poured the healing potion into a bowl.
"May I..?" I quietly turned to Belle.
"Drink." She ignored my question and I groaned, chugging the bowl down.
"Can I now???" I wiped my mouth.
She paused and looked over the two boys.
"You're part of this country's office..?" She asked.
"Yes, ma'am."
"You're very young to help run a country."
"Well, we sure do look like it!" Tubbo cheered, making me laugh a bit before hiding it with a cough.
I looked to Belle with sad eyes. "I need some cheering up, Belle.. I've been walking for days and our kingdom-"
"I understand, but I can't trust you with strangers, I'm sorry."
"Belle, listen! I'll be careful, I know how to defend myself! It's been a long three days and I need a break so please, for the me, the crown, and all things-"
"Yes, yes! You need to be back to me in an hour..."
"We can show you to the guesthouse!" Tubbo offered.
Belle grabbed her things and silently followed behind as we walked through the streets, passing barely anyone.
"So? Belle, was it? What's her deal??" Tommy whispered to me, as if she wasn't trailing right within earshot.
"She's just my lady in waiting. She's mostly taken care of me for the past few years when I started to get my crowns."
"Mushroom hat." I pointed up to my head. "We get bigger ones every year we grow. Royalty, that is."
"Aren't ladies in waiting supposed to like.. do your hair and help you lace corsets?" Tubbo asked.
"Well yes, that and protect and defend you and vow to serve the crown until death." I explained, getting two pairs of wide eyes on either side of me.
"This is it. It's small but-"
"It's nice. Thank you two." Belle responded with slight warmth. "Are you sure you want to go with them?" She asked me with a stern tone.
"Yes, I am."
Belle took a deep breath. "Please.. be safe. Half an hour."
"You said an hour!"
"Half. An. Hour."
I pouted.
"And you two." The boys flinched. "It goes without saying that nothing good will happen to you if there's even a scratch on the princess."
They promised as fast as they could, the poisonous aura of my lady sending the three of us speed walking down the Main Street.
"Now!" Tommy clapped his hands. "What should we show her?"
"What's that??" I pointed to a metal contraption that I'd only seen at art shows back at my kingdom.
"The van?? It doesn't work- but Wil modeled it after some contraption he saw when he was young and traveling the world. There's some.. certain potions in there that we're probably supposed to stay away from."
My ears perked.
I reached into my bag.
"How close can I get to be able to write everything down, hm?"

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