I quickly took my small luggage and went outside.
Well the reason i took only a small luggage is because i know how my boss hated big luggage.

I went out and immediately greeted by Mr.Wang or should i call Jackson Wang.

Jackson is a friend of mine, I am the one actually who got him this job. But we still managed to keep things professionally.

"Ready to go Ms. Kim Jisoo??"

"More than ready Mr. Jackson Wang"

"Really??? You look like you didn't sleep for dayss. Look at your dark circles."

"Ughhh is it that badd?? I've tried to cover it up with make up but I guess it didn't work huh"

Jackson carried my luggage and put it behind the car and opened the door for me to get in.

I sat beside Taehyung and greet him.

"Good Morning Mr.Kim" I gave him a small bow

"Morning Ms.kim, is that all you brought for the trip?"

"Yes sir that's all"

"Really? It seem a little small for a week in paris."

"Well.. since i'll be going to paris why not buy most of the things there right?"

"Oh okay suit yourself.... By the way did you not sleep last night Ms.kim?"

"No sir. Is it that bad?"

"You can sleep on the plane, that's okay"

I can see a small glimpse of Jackson smiling at the mirror. Ugh that boy.

We arrived at the airport and Jackson helped us to carry our luggage to the check in.

"Thank you Mr.Wang... contact me if there's something wrong."

"Okay Mr.Kim... have a safe flight.. you too Ms.Kim"

We bowed and Jackson left.

The check in staffs gave us our tickets and we went to our gate.

We were sitting while waiting for our plane number to be called when he all of a sudden ask me

"Have you ever been to paris before Ms.kim?"

"No sir, I've never traveled much actually, unless for the business trip you sent me to."

"Well, this isn't a business trip so relax yourself. I don't want you to get sick on your first day there."

"Okay sir thank you"

It's weird talking to him about non related work.

But it's nice.

And comfortable.

We went inside the plane and I tried to carry my luggage and put it on top of my seat. But Taehyung beat me to it and helped me.

He booked business class for the both of us and we sat beside each other.

"Ms.Kim, did you bring any sleeping pills with you?"

"Yes sir, do you want some?"

"Yes please give it to me"

I knew he had a sleeping problems on planes, that's why I always prepared sleeping pills every time we traveled.

"You should have one too"

"Yes sir I will"

He took the pill and so did I.

And we both fell asleep in no time...

I woke up to the feeling someone slightly shaking me

"Ms.kim wake up, your food is here eat it while its warm"

"10 more minutessss i still want to sleeeppppp" I swallow myself with the blanket

"Okay then 10 more minutes"

I feel someone kept on shaking me so i decided to wake my self

"Come on Ms.kim your food is getting cold now"

I strech my arms and yawn.

I slowly open my eyes and get my conscious back.

"Oh my god i am so sorry Mr.Kim-

"That's okay you probably didn't get enough sleep last night. Eat up your food is getting cold"

"Okay sir"

I opened the lid and my mouth immediately waters.


"Yes, eat slowly don't choke on your food. The dessert will come soon."

"Yes sirr" i said smiling widely

I started to eat and every time I took a bite the word "wahhh" came out of my mouth

I cant help it. I mean...come on it's chicken.

After I ate I quickly went to the bathroom and wash my hands.

I came back to my seat and saw a lava cake on my seat.

"Is this the dessert sir?"

"Does it look like anything else to you Ms.kim?

I just laugh it off awkwardly...


Taehyung didn't said anything and only looked at me.

I continued eating and keep on blabering how good this is.

"Here have mine" he suddenly gave me his cake.

"Oh no sir that's okay it's yours"

"You know that I don't like sweets anyway, have mine."

"Thank you sir" I said smiling and happily enjoying the sweet chocolate cake.

"Have some rest after you eat we will land soon."

"Okay sir"

Hope you enjoy this chapterrr

Taehyung is showing is warm side huhh😩

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