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Adams POV: last night was pretty fun with the swim team. Dwayne,Jesse,averman, and Goldberg all got thrown out of some fancy store for who knows what. I spent most of my night with Layla,Charlie and Brooke. Layla was really nice, and pretty.  We had plans to go out again tonight, after my game.

"Yo banks you ready for today?" I heard Luis call from the stairs.

"You know it"

I walked downstairs. There she was. Addison making breakfast for us like she had everyday so far.

"Hey Addi" I said well waving.

"Oh hi Adam"

Something was off with her. Ever since last night. Was it something I did? I had to find out.

"Uh- I was wondering if maybe you wanted to shopping after the game?" I asked scratching the back of my neck.

"Sure" she said and rose a eyebrow. I sighed with relief.

I few minutes later, I ate,then went to get ready. I was getting ready when Layla called.

"Hey Layla!" I said into the phone
"Hi Adam,I was wondering if you were coming to my meet after your game?"she asked
"Sure I will try."
"Sounds good,bye Adam" and with that she hung up the phone. I felt bad lying cause I wanted to hang out with Addi not her.

{time skip}
I watched Addi get on the bus,walking towards the sit beside me. She stopped when she heard Portman yell.

"YO BASH BABE! Come sit" she smiled at me and turned. I just sighed. As I watched her go sit. Dean whispered something in here, that made her laugh. I heard something start to ring it was my phone. Everyone on the bus looked at me as I picked up the phone.
"Hey Adam its me I just wanted to say I will see you at your game good luck!" I heard Layla say through the phone.
"Thanks Layla." By that I hung up the phone.
Everyone joked around all the way to the rink.

{time skip}
I was warming up when Addi came on the ice. With Taryn following behind her. I went up and started talking.
"Hey Addi"

"Hey Adam" she said back.

"You still nervous?" I questioned looking down at her.


"It's okay you will do great, just like yester-" I was cut short by someone calling my name.

"Banks" I turned to see Layla standing by the bench. I looked back to Addi, but she was gone.

"Hi Layla" I skated up.

"Adam,your gonna do great today." She said as she lent down to kiss my check.

"Wow looks like there is some romance between two USA sports teams" the announcer said causing everyone to look at me and Layla. I watched Layla's gaze land on Addi, she just looked down well Layla smirked at her.

The game started. Addi,and Taryn on defence. Bash bros in wing and me as centre. I passed the puck to Dean, who passes it to Addi. She rushed it down the ice and scored. I tried to cheer with her but she skated last me. Dean and Fulton both skated past me and hit my shoulders.

"Dick head." Taryn said to me as she skated past. I just put my head down and skated.

{time skip}
We won the game, but I do not care I just wanted to know why Addi was mad. I waited outside of the locker room for her like planned.
She walked out. She looked at me and sighed, I just rose my eyebrow.

"Fuck off banks,not right now. And no I do not want to hangout." She said rather rudely.

"Oh k sorry." I sighed. With that she walked away. I went back and showered after that I made my way to Layla's swim meet.
I saw Addison talking to the coach's. I heard a bit of what they said.

"Sweetheart your a great swimmer. To bad about that allergic reaction." They said. I could see the heartbreak in her eyes.

Addison's a SWIMMER?!
I watched as she went to sit. I noticed Dwayne beside her. I also noticed Layla walking towards me.

"Adam! You came." She said as she kissed my check. Smirking at Addi again. This time i could feel the tension between the two. Addi look away. She was talking to a girl. The race was about to start Layla and the other swimmer got ready.
"GO ELLA!" I heard a texsian accent yell through the crowd

"GO ELLA" I heard Addi yell.

I decided to cheer for Layla.
"GO LAYLA,THATS MY GIRL!" I yelled getting a smile from Layla. looking back to see Addison was gone. I watched the door shut. So I followed. 

I saw Addison talking to Gunnar stahl. Why was she talking to him? I saw him wave bye. As he kissed her check. Oh wow.

An:I'm not sure if this is good or not but whatever ig 😎

~ get the girl~ Adam banks Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora