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we walked downstairs to see what giuila's mom was cooking.

spaghetti, delicious.

both me and giuila sat down excited to eat.

"hey, bambini you guys hungry?"

she asks us as she places a plate down for me and giuila.

"ooh yes! what are we having..?"

giuila asks her mom.

"ah, just basic old alfredo pasta."

"looks good! thanks mrs, marcovaldo!"

i start to dig in. this pasta is amazing as always. 

me and giuila fished eating. she picked up our plates and placed them in the dish washer.

"you ready for portorosso giuila?"

"yup! gonna pack up soon, just waiting for the school year to end, heh."

"and luca you're not coming with her?"

"oh uhm..."

i thought... i'm not sure.

"he doesn't know yet mama. he'll think about it."

"alrighty then."

she says as she starts cleaning up the plates.

"uh, i think i should go now. i'll see you tomorrow."

"bye luca!"

i head out of giuilas house and i wait at the bus stop. the bus comes shortly after and i get on and it takes me to my street. i get off and enter my house. walking up to my room and plopping onto bed.

"maybe i should go with giuila? ugh i don't even know!"

i get up, change into my pajamas and go to sleep.

it was the morning, i was getting ready to go to school. i waited outside at the bus stop. the bus arrived, i hopped in and sat next to giuila as always.

"hey, luca! good morning!"

"good morning giuila!"

"you coming over for the project later after school?"

"oh yeah of course."

"yay! okay good."

we arrived at school, me and giuila parted ways like always. and the day went by like every other. we then were back at giuila's house.

we were sitting down in her room, she was writing information in a notebook and i was drawing a picture of a vespa.

"ooh, did you know that vespas-

"don't worry, i know a lot about vespas."

"oh well sorry mr.know it all."

we both laughed.

"me and alberto did so much research once."

"oh haha of course."

"and done."

i said.

i showed giuila my drawing of the vespa.

"wow! looks good, now let's make a board and glue it on! we're gonna need to print out our information and glue that on too. i can do that."


we started setting up the board, after a few minutes... we had finished our project. me and giuila stepped back from it to see our finished project. it looked great!

"this looks perfect! you ready to show this to everyone?"

giuila asked, i nodded.

she folded it up and put it next to her school back pack.

"okay, well i should go. we already finished so... i guess i can leave now right?"

"oh yeah, sure. see you tomorrow luca!"

"bye giuila!"

i waved goodbye to her and then left her house and went onto mine. i'm glad i got things done today, our project looked great! i arrived home and did the usual, get in bed and go to sleep.

hi guys sorry for the long wait, i've been at florida all this time. AND I GOT LUCA TOYS AND STUFFED ANIMALS you guys don't understand how obsessed i am with this movie. anyways thanks for reading please comment on any grammar mistakes i made. thanks guys! byeee

summer in portorosso - luca x alberto Where stories live. Discover now