Chapter 14

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You searched around Moreau's place, killing every monster that is in the place until you reached a room where the flask was in front of you but you saw a television and Moreau in the distance. "Oh Mother Miranda, if it's for you I'd do anything."  You heard Moreau say. He looked at you and Ethan then Ethan said "I'll just be taking this."  "Wait, wait, wait! Wh-what are you doing with Mother's special child?" Moreau said "She's not hers!" You said "Wait, wait, wait! Please, please!  If you take it, the others will laugh at me."  Moreau said "They won't laugh at you Moreau, in fact, if you accept that you'll be on our side, they'll be happy." you said "O-on your side? What do you mean?" Moreau asked, you sighed and said "I'm sorry Moreau but Mother Miranda is not who you think she is, she wants to kill you and the other lords, but she wants Ethan to do it for her. So, if you're on our side we can kill Mother Miranda and continue lives freely."

"B-but that can't be. Mother isn't like that." Moreau said, you tried to convince Moreau more so you said, "She's not who she says she is Moreau, you and the other lords are just failed experiments to her, not her children. Your "siblings" would be happy if you joined us." "Oh, okay, okay, if that's the case, I'll join you." Moreau said.

"I'm surprised that you convinced him to join us Y/N." "What the?" It was Heisenberg he was communicating using Moreau's television. "Told you I can do it, we'll be going back to the castle now, we can talk about our plan there." You said "Alright, you have to hurry though, Miranda might be having suspicions by now." "Copy that." You replied. Heisenberg disconnected from the television and you looked at Moreau, "Thank you for believing us Moreau, I suggest you take your leave as well." "I will Y/N, see you later." Moreau replied. "Let's go Ethan." You said and Ethan nodded.

You rode your horse and you said to Ethan "Let's make a quick stop at House Beneviento, I have to tell her about the meeting." "Alright, but please make it really quick, the doll scares me." Ethan replied. You laughed and said, "Angie is creepy, I can agree with you on that one, but she's just a child in a doll's body."  It got silent for a while after that conversation but Ethan spoke, "So, you really are part of Chris' Hound Wolf Squad huh? That explains your gun skills." "Yeah and it's nothing really." "What was your nickname?" "Well, it was Blood Moon." "Wait, you're Blood Moon? Chris tells me stories about you." Ethan said "Does he now? What does he say about me?" you asked, "Well, he says that you are like a professional soldier, and that you are quite skilled for your age." "How sweet of him." you said


You arrived at the Beneviento manor and immediately knocked on the door. "Oh who is it now?! We were playing hide and seek!- Y/N!!!!!! You're back!!!"  Angie squealed "Hi there Angie, where's Donna? I have to tell her something."  "She's inside, going all anxious since you left. Now get inside before Donna goes crazy!!!" Angie said as she tries to push you inside. "I'll be quick Ethan." you said and Ethan nodded in response.

You went inside and saw Donna making a doll to probably calm herself down, as you approach her she doesn't even notice you, so you held her hand which made her look at you. "Hey my lov-" Donna immediately kissed you passionately and you happily kissed back. "As I was saying, I'm back." you said and you giggled. "Listen my love, I have convinced Heisenberg and Moreau, well more like Heisenberg convinced me, that Miranda is up to something. But anyways, we will have a meeting later in the castle, about our plans." "Okay, might as well prepare then." Donna said and she gave you another passionate kiss before leaving, "Hey, we can continue this later if you want~" you said then you winked, which made Donna blush. "How cute, you're blushing, but I really need to go, see you later."  You left the house and looked at Ethan "Let's go, the sun's almost setting."  You rode your horse once again and made it gallop very fast.

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