Best Decision I Ever Made!

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A/N: Well this is the end, hope you all enjoyed it xx Alexis

Things have been goin' so well in Mexico, buildin' new barracks and a better main house, trainin' underway and a decent rotation schedule for us to help out now and then. The Volturi guard have also deployed a rota, they are enjoyin' the change of scenery and a chance to pass on their knowledge, so at last, we can return to Montana and set up court so to speak, Bella had graciously accepted my heartfelt apology and while I was on my knees anyway, I asked for her hand, which she gave me gladly. She's been practisin' with her shield and can now use it to block out her scent and any sound whilst under it, this means she can creep up on us at any time, my first time was an eye-opener for me.

We had just finished a meetin' and everyone left the room as I slumped down in my seat,

'God I thought we couldn't feel tired, but I do!' I was just thinkin' out loud to myself.

I had my head back and my eyes closed when I felt my zipper bein' pulled down and shot forward to see my beautiful mate wrappin' her luscious lips around my now rock hard erection. I hadn't even heard a sound, didn't realise she was still in the room with me, little minx. But that surely was the best way to be re-energised, I would recommend it to everyone but, I'm a selfish son of a bitch! Peter wasn't so lucky, she enjoyed scarin' the crap out of him, a little too much.

It was soon goin' to be time for us to hire out the Ranch to some of the A' listers for the first time, it was hired out for two months for filmin' in the local area, we now change hats to become elite security, Emmett had decided we needed uniforms and the girls set to designin' them for us all, so we were encased in black from head to foot, I refused to wear a baseball cap and so did Peter, we ended up with black Stetson's and cowboy boots. The film crew have their own security and we would be very low profile, but I can't have any rogue vampires takin' then out etc.

We are all settlin' into a routine now and everyone had an outlet for excess energy, Emmett made and sold computer codes, games, you name it. Peter and Rose were both in the business of restorin' cars, Char was an online interior design consultant, Bella and Angie were usin' all their spare time to gain qualifications in their chosen fields, literature for Bella she wanted to become a writer and photojournalism for Angie, Garrett and I were makin' and sellin' period pieces of furniture or occasionally repairin' antique pieces. Garrett and Angela were going to have a whirlwind trip around Europe, this was going to be their honeymoon.

We had decided to have a double ceremony and although we can't get away this time we will soon enough, Peter is going to officiate god help us all, so it's happenin' this weekend, quiet, quick and with as little fuss as possible, the Volturi guards in Mexico will be here to represent them and as luck would have it it's Felix and Demetri. Bella had picked a beautiful deep lemon diamond, in an eighteen-carat gold claw settin' which she said was the same shade as my eyes, I believe her, but as I don't often look at my own eyes I'm no judge. I can only say is not as beautiful as her eyes which have settled into a deep burnt ochre colour.

Angie was so excited that she could use her honeymoon to compile her portfolio, as that was a large part of her final exams. There was a little cabin on the northwest corner of Peter's spread and Bella and I were movin' out there for the two months, sort of in lieu of a honeymoon, close but separate, Bella was going to do her thesis while we were alone. Char was thrilled that gave her time to upgrade ours and Garrett quarters in the main house, she was installin' sound proofin', but nothin' could proof it from my projectin', but they didn't seem to mind.

The double weddin' went off without a hitch, Bella floated down the aisle in a swirl of cream coloured silk, I could barely keep my eyes or hands off her, it was the most form fittin' dress I'd ever seen her in and I just knew that she had nothin' on underneath it! Damned woman, she knew how to get me wound up, but now she was about to be my wife, my life partner, my forever. I was so intent on her I barely registered Angela, but she too was stunnin' it a totally different way. Garrett and Angie were leavin' right after the festivities and Bella and I were headin' to our secluded cabin.

The other's partied into the night, as I lay beside my life baskin' in her love for me, me the 'Major'! I couldn't believe how lucky I was, I didn't feel worthy of her devotion, but Bella soon put me right, she said

"Not only do you deserve happiness, love and contentedness, but I'm going to spend forever making sure you always get it! My Major, My God of War'!" She stood up from the bed then and dropped her dress to pool at her feet and I was correct she was naked underneath.

But what caught my eye was on her hip, god damn it was a brand, a cattle brand! A heart shape with the letter's J and B intertwined inside, below that one word Eternity! How the hell? I was at a loss, fallin' to my knees beside her runnin' my thumb over this permanent reminder of our love.

"How?" I asked reverently,

"A red-hot cattle brand dipped in your venom, applied to a pre-scrapped area of skin and Voila! Opaque tattoos for vampires" she laughed,

This woman never ceased to amaze me, she gave me everythin' I needed and things I didn't even know I needed. I was so turned on by this declaration of her love for me and couldn't help touchin' it as I took my wife in every position I knew and didn't stop for two days straight, I was frenzied and frantic, tryin' with my body to tell her how much I loved her and wanted, no needed her, now and forever. It was the sound of her soothin' voice, whisperin' to me that brought me back to reality, sanity and my constant, my Isabella. I was so blessed to have a mate that complemented me in every way.

We were in week two of the film crew's visit before Bella and I resurfaced, everythin' was going smoothly and I was takin' a shift to patrol the grounds, Bella said she loved my sexy uniform and that delayed my leavin' for another hour. I had just cleared the main gate area when all of their limos appeared on the driveway, it sounded like it was in a bad way, splutterin' to a halt before it was halfway up. I jogged over and helped them to disembark, I offered them the services of our own mechanic and said they'd be over soon.

One of the actresses was gettin' a little handsy and I realised they'd all been havin' an alcohol-laden late lunch before five minutes had passed the four Volturi quads arrived driven by Bella, Peter, Charlotte and Rose. It was an overcast day thank god and I had to restrain myself from laughin' as they pulled up beside us. Peter like me had his cowboy hat on, but the three women had on crash helmets and as the rose, in sync, I might add, removing their helmets and shakin' out their hair you could have heard a pin drop. It was like a scene from one of those movies they make us watch.

The two actresses were soberin' up quick in the face of such competition and the two actors were practically droolin'. An overtly flamboyant gay guy had climbed out of another car,

"My god people, is this Ranch run by ex-models? You, I've seen before sweetie and the big piece of beefcake too!" he said to Peter and he turned to me "But you, Cowboy! You I'd definitely remember!" I was seriously thinkin' of runnin',

My balls had climbed up inside of me and I was actually nervous, as he stroked my arm.

"Ah, sorry but he's taken, our apologies for not meeting you all sooner, I'm Isabella Whitlock and the Cowboy is my husband, Jasper Whitlock, his brother Peter Whitlock and his wife Charlotte and our mechanic Rose, also the wife of the aforementioned beefcake, Emmett McCarty, head of security. Our other two partners Garrett Pitcher and his new wife Angela are on honeymoon at present, as were Jasper and me until today!" Bella said and there were a couple of disgruntled faces in the crowd,

"Oh well! I live in hope, I'm Lucas Hanson, producer extraordinaire! " he said laughin' I managed to pull myself together and said,

"Thank you darlin', as always you've saved my ass from makin' a fool of itself!"

The lust comin' from in front and behind me was immense,

"Sweetie you're a real Cowboy, oh my!" he said turnin' away but not before pattin' me on the backside,

I was behind Bella in an instant and everyone laughed, I didn't care, that shit's scary, give me a war any day. They all turned out to be a lot of fun and we spent a fair bit of time with them, Emmett was really interested in the special effects dept and Charlotte took note of the stage makeup and wondered if it would work for us to a degree. The time passed quickly and we were ready to begin the business of overseein' the vampire world here in the America's, Garrett and Angie were back and full of excitin' stories and her pictures were amazin', we had them on display in both Ranches.

I was stittin' musin' one early evenin', that the best decision I ever made was answerin' that phone call from Carlisle Cullen. Look where it took me, to my mate, to a new life and to havin' great friends, what more could one vampire want?

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