I Think Our Stands Are In Love

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Josuke and okuyasu were sitting on josuke's big, purple bed, bored as hell

"Ughh, im so bored!" Okuyasu threw himself backwards and bounced a little, laying down
"How's about we play some video games?" Okuyasu looked at josuke

"Nah, im not really in the mood... how about a movie?"

"There arent any good new ones out yet" he slightly whined, he lied there for a minute, looking at the ceiling while thinking, he shot up when he had an idea
"Hey, I Have an idea for an experiment we can do!"

"An experiment?" Josuke asked curiously, he doesn't normally have ideas with experimentation, because normally he just did whatever he wanted

"Yeah, I was wonderin' do our stands have like, separate personalities? Like feelings and shit?" He scratched his chin "cause we wouldn't know right? We only ever call em' out when we need em' to do somethin' so, what if we just... let them do what they wanna?" Josuke looked at him

"Hmm, Ive never even thought of that, lets test it" and with that, josuke summoned [Crazy Diamond], and okuyasu summoned [The Hand], the stands looked around a bit confused, their users not wanting them to do anything specific, they just floated in front of them, not doing anything
"Maybe they don't have their own feelings?" Josuke sighed

"C'mon Hand! Just, do what ya feel like doin" okuyasu was about to agree with Josuke when the stands looked at each other, Crazy D looked back to see if josuke was going to give him the same order

"Same to you Crazy D, just do whatever you want" he rested his chin on his hand, about to give up, Crazy D looked back to The Hand, he shouted "dora!" And instantly hugged him, almost knocking over The Hand, he hugged Crazy D back, resting his head on his shoulder
"Aw, that's nice aint it?" Josuke looked over at okuyasu, he was staring in awe

"I didn't think that I could have been right" okuyasu looked to josuke "have we been mistreating our stands?"

"What?" He replied with a chuckle, he realized it was a serious question

"Our stands have feelings, and all we ever do is tell em' what to do! They barely even know how to make their own decisions!" Okuyasu was talking about what happened a minute ago, they would just wait for orders instead of acting on their own accord

"Well yeah, but how do you take care of a stand? Like a pet? Or like a person?" Josuke used his hands to basically play charades, gesturing absent-mindedly,

"I don't think ya feed em'... but how about hugs? They seem to like those" he pointed to the stands, still holding each other in a tight hug

"Would they like naps? Or petting? Maybe just playing around?" Josuke looked back at okuyasu

"What games would ya even play with a stand? I was thinkin' maybe- woah!" Josuke looked worried, okuyasu was looking down at his sides

"Okuyasu what happen- huh?!" He felt something grab his waist, and something on his cheek, he looked up at the stands, now in a different position, Crazy D was holding The Hand's waist with his arms and The Hand had one hand on his waist, and his other hand was on Crazy D's cheek, rubbing it slightly with his thumb, their faces were extremely close

"WOAH WOAH WOAH, WAIT A MINUTE, HOLD ON, UH, FUCKIN', OKUYASU DO SOMETHING!!" Josuke was getting more flustered by the second

"WHAT THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?!" Okuyasu yelled, throwing his hands in the air

"CALL THE HAND BACK OR SOMETHING?" josuke was freaking out, he tried to call back Crazy D, but he wasn't listening, neither was The Hand

"Oh, god, oh, fuck, our stands are totally about to kiss aren't they?" Okuyasu put his head in his hands, trying to hide his embarrassment

"God damn it okuyasu! This was your dumb Idea!" Josuke tried to blame okuyasu, but he knew it wasn't actually his fault, their stands would have felt like this either way, they watched as their stands moved their faces closer, the flustered boys were quietly begging for them to stop, but of course they didn't listen, they follow orders all the way through, and to them, their order was to do what they wanted, so they did just that, they gave each other a gentle kiss and the boys screamed with embarrassment, both feeling the kiss themselves, it felt nice, which only made the situation worse

"Fuckin' hell!" Okuyasu covered his bright red face with his hands, slamming his back into the comforters behind him

"I think im gonna die of embarrassment, oh my god!" Josuke lied down and hid his face in a pillow screaming into it, he felt something rub his neck and quickly looked up, back at the stands, Crazy D looked really happy as The Hand nuzzled his neck
"holy shit!" He grabbed his neck, okuyasu got up, covering his nose, since thats where he felt something rubbing it, he looked at the stands and stared wide-eyed, he was completely speechless at this point, both the boys realized all they could to is sit and watch in either screaming or complete silence, they shoved pillows over their noses and mouths, just peering over with their eyes, their stands continued being affectionate

"Josuke... if our stands are gay... doesn't that mean we are too?" Okuyasu didn't look at him as he said this

"Uh... I think... maybe... yes?" Josuke didn't look at okuyasu either, both too embarrassed and flustered to even move

"Hm... okay then..." this was incredibly awkward

"Do you think that... it means we're gay... for each other?" Josuke sinked his face into the pillow more

"Maybe... I don know if that makes it more or less awkward though" thankfully, their stands were just hugging now, okuyasu put one of his hands down onto the bed, so did Josuke, he inched his fingers over to his hand, then Josuke grabbed it and intertwined their fingers, still not looking at each other, Crazy D and The Hand laced their fingers together as well, but Crazy D gave him a small peck on the area above his lips, The hand kissed him on the cheek, he leaned his cheek on Crazy D's shoulder, still embracing each other

"Okuyasu... I think I like you..."

"I think I like ya too, Josuke..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2021 ⏰

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