So when I say "V", you say "K"

V. K. V. K

When I say "All", You say "Day"

All. Day. All. Day

So when I say "V", you say "K"

V. K. V. K

When I say "All", You say "Day"

All Day!

It's good to be bad! We're proof of that. Used to be lost - now we're on the map. Used to steal stacks-- now we're giving back. Remember that. Bad! If you've got pride, raise your "V's" up high. Wave em' wide, side to side. Feel the vibe. It's good to be. Bad!

(Y/n)'s POV

"Come on there over there!" Harry said pointing at the four standing on the balcony. "Gosh I can't stand all of their singing. They're being way too happy for villain kids." I said rolling my eyes at them.

"Who do you think they'll choose?" Harry asked as he put his hands on my shoulders.

"Well it's not us that's for sure." Gil said as he stared at Mal. I glared at him causing him to shrug at me. I just sighed as I turned my attention back at them. "Yeah I know it's not going to be us." I said in a sad voice as I looked at the ground.

"And last, but certainly not least, we all picked this girl, because we all agreed that she could use a little bit of Fair Godmother's goodness class. Give it on up for Dr. Facilier's daughter Celia!" Mal said as they all cheered for her.

I rolled my eyes at them and scoffed. "Of course." "What do you think we should do?" Harry asked as he turned to me. I bite my lip and thought for a moment. "I've gotta go pay daddy a little visit and let him know what his daughter's been up to." I said as I turned my heel and walked away.


"Daddy?" I asked as I walked through his lair. His dogs were still barking. I just scoffed and rolled my eyes. "So what news have you got for me today?" I gasped and turned around to see Hades standing right behind me.

I grabbed the newspaper from my bag and handed it to him. I watched as he glared at me and took the newspaper. I just smirked and crossed my arms as he read through it. "V.K. Day huh?"

"Yup!" I said as I popped the 'p'. "Mal and her little gang had a visit to the isle today and already picked the four kids who will be going." I said as I turned my heel and walked towards his chair and took a seat.

"Really now? And who would those be?" He said as he folded up the paper and walked towards me. I sighed and brought my legs onto the arm rests. "Dizzy, Squeaky, Squirmy, and Celia." I said as I crossed my arms.

He just hummed as he brushed my feet off of the arm rests. "They're coming next week to pick them up daddy." I said as he took a seat on the arm rests. "Next week you say?" I nodded at him and leaned back.

"Have you considered escaping?" I asked as I looked at him. He sighed and grabbed the ember tossing it up in the air and catching it. He smirked and looked at me. "I have."


Time Skip~ 1 week later

Third Person POV

Hades stormed through the crowd of people as soon as Mal's limo went through the barrier. Everyone gasped in shock to see him put his hand through the barrier trying to break through. Evie looked behind her to see him trying to escape.

"It's Hades! Stop the car, he's trying to escape!" She exclaimed causing everyone in the limo to turn around. The limo driver stopped the car allowing the 5 to leave the car. As soon as Jay, Ben, and Carlos took a step forward Hades sent them flying backwards using his ember.

"I am a GOD!! I don't belong here!" Hades yelled showing his ember at them.

All of a sudden Mal disappeared into a cloud of smoke and transformed into a purple dragon. "C'mon Mal! Blast him!" Jay exclaimed as he continued to stay on the ground. Just as Jay instructed Mal started growling at Hades making a powerful blast of air push him back through the barrier. 

Hades used his ember against Mal trying to drain her power. However, the force was strong enough to make him tumble and roll back into the isle. 

(Y/n)'s POV

I yelled in frustration as I watched the T.V. I was currently in the Chip Shoppe with Harry and Gil watching Hades try to escape through the barrier. Unfortunately he did not succeed, because Mal decided to become a dragon and send him back through.

This was one thing Mal and I never told anyone. The fact that we can both turn into dragons. Usually we turn if our emotions are triggered whether it would be out of fear or anger. Mal would be able to change into a purple dragon while I could turn into a (f/c) dragon.

It's never happened to me, but my mom did mention to me that it was possible. However, the looks on Jay, Carlos, Evie, and Ben's faces shows that they already know this about her.

"We need another plan." I said as I turned off the T.V. and turned around to Gil and Harry. I rolled my eyes as Gil continued to suck down more egg yolks. "One that would hopefully work in our favor for once." I said as Harry came around wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Don't worry love." He said as he kissed my neck. "Everything will work out soon enough." He said as he whispered in my ear making me smirk.

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