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"D o you like this girl that much?" Josh lowered his voice. There might be someone outside and maybe eavesdropping on their conversation. He just thought about it now.

Disbelief covered Justin's whole face. Can't he distinguish like and curiosity? What's wrong with their eldest's life views? Did he smack his head while performing? He just can't let go of the "like" thing.

"I don't, okay? I told you, I just want my hoodie back!" Justin's voice raised a little, he needed water to calm his nerves on this conversation so he stood up and walked towards the dispenser.

Josh's eyes followed him. He's in denial, don't you dare de Dios. I've been there a lot of times so you better listen to this man.

"Chill brah! Fine, as you say. So if you don't like her, why don't you just do it? Text her and get this done with?" he seemed serious but deep inside, this man knew everything now. He's just suppressing his laugh to give respect to this young man's feelings. Finally, he's seeing genuine emotions from him, better than a stoic expression as he was before.

The younger felt silent, just when is this conversation gonna end and why does it seem so hard for him to just message the girl and get this done with?

Seeing how the guy seemed frustrated or more like constipated, Josh finally sighed and gave up. He never saw Justin be this troubled for a chic who doesn't seem to know how to type a few words. How funny, young love is what he lives for.

"Fine, I'll try to help you delay that "end" you're thinking about. Don't you even dare deny it because your face says otherwise. Now, get up and start moving. It's almost time to move out" Josh did not let Justin rebut, and stood up. He went outside to find the others who may have forgotten that they still have schedule for later.

The man left behind could only stare at his phone screen. This is just mere curiosity and a bit of interest no more, no less. That's just it, this is harmless.



Atlantis sneezed.

"You've been sneezing from the moment I got into your house. Looks like someone's been talking behind your back" Mavie laughed infront of Atlantis. They decided to go out and enjoy their free time. The model had no photoshoot for the day and Atlantis took a leave from her day job. It's more like assisting on her mom's side business so it's cool.

The lady rolled her eyes at her bestfriend's remark and scrolled on her phone. They just came out of a shop where Mavie basically dragged her and now she's more tired than the one who shopped instead. They seated outside a sweet stall and decided to take some snack break before continuing for the day.

Her legs were exhausted, like she said, she ain't the sporty type. Aside from going out and having some nice time with her friend, Atlantis also had something to request from the woman infront of her. She decided to let Mavie give IT back instead. After the text incident, she became very shy that whenever she see their faces specially Justin's in advertisements, she would think about how stupid it was for her to ask for his number. She still believes the message which Justin claimed to be a mistake was really intended for her and the guy must've thought she's some desperate fan.

But he gave it to me too! It wasn't like I begged for it...

She defended from her own conscience. She needs to see a psychiatrist if this keeps on going.

"Mavs" she quietly called out her name. Her bestfriend glanced at her for a while, waiting for her to continue.

"About those guys we met at Lucas' party..." by mentioning these keywords, Mavie's whole attention was now on her. A psychotic smile plastered on her beautiful face. For a minute Atlantis thought she needed to call the paramedics. When it comes to juicy issues, this girl's ears could hear 100 meters, that's for sure.

Atlantis (SB19 Justin FF)Where stories live. Discover now