The building all the tributes currently resided in was the Training Centre. It had 13 floors in total; the bottom one being the actual Training Centre, and each floor above that being a living quarters for all the tributes. Each floor for a different district. District 1 being the floor above the Training Center, District 2 being the floor above District 1 and so on until they reached District 12's floor, which was the penthouse.

"Whose idea was the hand holding?" Shota suddenly asked.

"Keigo's," Rumi replied.

"The perfect touch of rebellion," Shota continued, "Very nice."

(M/N) remembered the other couples standing stiffly apart without acknowledging each other, as if their fellow tribute didn't exist. He knew Shota was right, Keigo presenting them as friends distinguished them as much as their flaming costumes.

"Tomorrow morning is the first training session. Meet me for breakfast and I'll tell you exactly how I want you to play it," Shota said to (M/N) and Katsuki. "Now go get some sleep while the grown-ups talk."

The boys didn't object as they got up, walked up the stairs, and down the corridor to their rooms.

"See you in the morning then," Katsuki said as he reaches his door.

(M/N) nodded, "Yeah," he said as he continued to walk down to his room. Deciding he didn't need another shower, (M/N) threw on pajamas that were softer than silk, and got into the king sized bed, before drifting off to sleep.


(M/N) was greeted by Shota and Katsuki as they walked into the living room, filling up plates with food and joining him, as he had already grabbed some food and seated himself at the table. (M/N) was nervous about the training to say the least. There would be three days where all the tributes will practice together, and on the last afternoon, each tribute would get the chance to perform in private before the gamemakers. Though (M/N) was mostly scared about facing the other tributes face to face. After they were all upstaged by him and Katsuki, he didn't really want to see them.

Shota put his elbows on the table and looked at the boys, "All right, so give me some idea of what you can do."

"I can't do anything," Katsuki said. "Unless you count baking bread."

"Sorry, I don't. (M/N), I already know you're handy with a knife."

"Not really. But I can hunt," (M/N) said. "With a bow and arrow"

"Are you good?" Shota questioned.

"I'm... alright," (M/N) responded.

"He's not all right, he's excellent," Katsuki suddenly said, "My father buys his squirrels. He always compliments how he hits them dead in the eye each time. It's the same with the rabbits he sells to the butcher. He can even bring down deer."

Katsuki's assessment of his skills left (M/N) totally surprised. First, that he ever noticed. Second, he was talking (M/N) up.

"What are you doing?" (M/N) asked him suspiciously.

"What are you doing?" The red eyed boy responded. "If he's going to help you, he has to know what you're capable of. Don't underrate yourself like that idiot."

(M/N) didn't know why, but this rubbed him the wrong way. "What about you? I've seen you at the market. You can throw fifty-kilo bags of flour over your head," he snapped.

"Yeah, and I'm sure the arena will be full of bags of flour for me to chuck at people," Katsuki scoffed as he rolled his eyes.

(M/N) ignored this and turned to Shota, "He can wrestle, he came first in our school competition last year."

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