Tragedy Part 2

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Today has been so dull I stopped by that coffee shop, said hi to Touka. Who surprisingly said hello back. I still felt they are hiding something, but I didn't know what. Maybe they are ghouls? No that's dumb if they were ghouls why would they run a coffee shop. dumb thought. It was getting late, so I said goodbye to the workers there. I actually learned all of their names, Touka the lady with purple hair, Yoshimura the owner, and then there is Enji and Kaya. There was another guy there sometimes as well. Tall and strong looking man maybe the owner's son, I don't know.

On my way home I had my headphones in but quite low because shitty neighborhood. Everything was quiet until BANG. A loud ass thud came out of nowhere. It sounds like it came from the construction site. I run over to find the boy and girl from the coffee shop the other day. I go to check on them, but then everything went quiet. Well at least to me it was quiet.

I have this weird ass dream were I am floating around fully naked. I don't mind it much, very freeing. In the background of this strange dream I can hear a conversation. I don't pick up much, but I think I hear something about an organ transplant. It's very muffled but I'm guessing I will be having a transplant of sorts. That's weird last I checked I was in somewhat perfect health; other than the brain damage I receive from social media. Then before I know it complete darkness.

I wake up in a hospital and jump up. After I jump up, I hear a gasp and movements from whoever is in the room with me. I pull back the curtain and see the boy from the coffee shop. Before we can say anything to each other some man walks in. He looks like a doctor, so I guess he's a doctor.

"Hello, you two, My name is Mr. Kanou. I have been looking over you two. It's good to see you both have regained consciousness."

"Thank you, Mr. Kanou, for taking care of us."

I nod my head then close my eyes. After I hear footsteps heading to the door, I open my eyes. Soon after some lady came over to us with food. The food looked nice, but I didn't feel hungry though. Before I take a bite, I feel eyes on me. I quickly turn my head to look at the boy. He jumped a bit and I smirk at the kid.

"Hi, my name is Ken Kaneki, what's your name?"

"Listen kid I don't think we need to do the whole 20 questions thing. No offense but I don't plan on being here that long."

We both sit there in silence then finally at the same time begin eating our food. We take the first bite and begin to feel ill. I quickly go to grab the trash can and throw up in it. Kaneki does the same. We look at each other then look at our food.

"Okay that was weird."

"Yeah that was weird, maybe the food we got was bad. Excuse me nurse!"

"Yes Kenichi, is everything okay?"

"I think something is wrong with our food, can we have new food please."

"Something is wrong with it? It can't be that bad."

The nurse takes a bite of our food and there is no effect. Before she leaves, she gives us a smile and leaves. Kaneki and I look at each other then switch food with each other. We take another bite and throw up again.

"Okay Kaneki maybe it has something to do with our surgery that we got."

"You think so?"

"It makes sense since we did have a major surgery. It should pass by in a few days or a week."

Kaneki and I take the rest of the day for rest. Kaneki and I actually become somewhat close. We don't have much to do so we end up talking most of the day. Most of our conversation are about books and about our lives. Of course, Kaneki doesn't approve of me calling my mother a bitch, but he also feels for me. He is a very kind a cool guy. It's strange to me but I learned that we will be released from the hospital soon. I was happy to get out but also sort of sad. It's strange how the time I spent in the hospital was actually quite calm and peaceful, and I got to meet this cool kid.

I found this very strange but for such a major surgery we have only been in the hospital for around a week. I don't mind it that much though; I've been meaning to get out of here eventually. I don't know what it is, but this hospital food tastes like straight ass. Every single time Kaneki and I throw it up. I can't wait to get some real food, and a nice cold drink.

Today is the day that Kaneki and I leave the hospital. As we walked out of the hospital, I felt very hunger and I could tell Kaneki felt the same. I was originally going to ask if he wanted to get something together but remembered that he was going to head straight home. I decided to do the same thing. We said our goodbyes, shook hands and then left. I felt so hungry, so I quickly ran to a store and bought a bunch of my favorite food. I sat down to eat my feast. I was ready for this. I cut up a piece of steak and took a bite. It was absolutely 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2021 ⏰

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