Chapter 1

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Luca view:

I sit as i see Alberto getting more stuff to build

"Hey... can i help?" I asked

"Oh! No thanks.." He giggles a bit,

I sit there being confused on what he was laughing about but i didnt care at the same time.

I looked at the sun and it was getting lower and lower, Alberto sat down with me and put his hand over my shoulder as he looked up at the sun,

I blushed a bit as Alberto couldn't tell cause my cheeks are already rosey...

Alberto looked at me rasing a eyebrow and being a flirtatious jerk, I blushed more as I looked at him

"You ok luca?" He asked,

I looked away so he wont see me blush and being werid

"I'm fine-" I say, it very werid with a werid laugh the hell was wrong with me!?

"Mmhh... Something on your mind?" He asked looking away at the grass

"Nope! Why?" I tryed not to sound weird..

But the sun went down into night time and I stood up and so did Alberto, we got into his so called hide out.

We looked at the fishes up in the sky and soon we fell asleep...

Next dayy :)

I woke up snuggled in Alberto's waist... I can't believe I did that!! I snuggled right into him!?

Thoughts came racing through my head, i got up and calm myself after i put my feet in the water
as time passed by Alberto woke up...

"Hey luca!!" He shouted at me running towards me

"Alberto!" I smiled

"Jeez!... Why you down here? I've been looking for you everywhere." He said catching his breath

"Oh! Im sorry" i said it calmly looking at the sea

He's been looking for me?! For what?? I blushed as i thought about it

He sat down with me putting his arm on my shoulder looking at the sea

"Soo... Wanna pay a vist with Gulia?" he asked looking at me

"Yeah sure!" I smiled getting up

He smiled back "Then lets go!"

He grabbed my hand taking me to the sea i blushed a bit but followed him

After we got there alot of people said hi, hey, and nice stuff since they already know were sea monsters, of course we wave and say nice stuff back

Alberto knocked at Guila's house she answered it

"Heya guys!" Guila said

"Hey! we were wondering if we can stay over and talk and stuff!" I said.

"Yes of course!" She jumped in excitement

Alberto didnt say anything but give stares at Gulia

Time skip it's almost night time

Alberto view:

I Just stare at luca and Gulia and all i can think about is luca!

Ugh! What is wrong with me?

I stare at Gulia talking about space and science??

Ugh! what a waste of energy and time, cant believe I can get jealous over someone

"Hey Alberto?" Luca said, now looking at my direction with a confused face

"Yeah, luca?" I said looking at him

"You ok? you have been staring at me and Gulia for a long time... you ok?" he said with a worried voice

"Y-Yeah! Totally cool!..." I said it so sarcastic

I dont care either way, I just want luca all to myself, like what friends do? Right??

Gulia got up "Hey, its getting late yall better get ready to sleep" She smiled at both of us

"U-Uh Sure!" Luca said grabbing my hand.

I didnt mind, but I got up and put him on his feet

"Welp, lets go Luca." I got him and we got into the tree right outside Gulia's Room.

"Ah, ok?... Night night boys!" She close her window.

I had already got into a comfortable position and waited for Luca to lay down.

Luca lay down and looked at me, I blushed at him, why is he looking at me?? What's happening...?? Before I could think my body moved before my racing thoughts started. I scooted him closer to me, hugged him feeling more and more sleepy, then fell asleep...


Why tf are y'all still reading this peace of shit of a story 🧍🏽🧍🏽 I made this like when i was nine. 😍

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