1.0 Story of regrets

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⬆artist @bear_nyanM from twitter

Pls read the "before the chapter" for better understanding

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“It's already too late when she disappears” leaning his body on the fense of wangshu inn aether quietly spoke out. 

He took a glance over to the male adeptus who finally opened up his problem to aether. But it was already too late. She no longer visits him anymore. 

Xiao looks up into the night sky with deep thought as the star shines bright in the sky. 


this story takes back 1 year before disappearance of y/n 


1.0 Story of regrets

“Verr goldet!!!! I know you missed me~” You approach an unaware Verr goldet from behind and give her a tight hug as you jump onto her. "ah... y/n... your back" she spoke while trying to get you off her back. To be honest your return to this Wangshu inn isn't great news for both boss and worker here. 

After a few times of verr goldet trying to get away from your grip, she finally gives up and stands still on the counter. She sighs in defeat and points to the upper floor. "oh look y/n its xiao!"

"huh? where?! I got so many stories to tell him, you know, I also brought some almond tofu with me this time." instantly you let go of her and jump over the counter to go take a look at the upper floor. 

The reason why your return isn't great news is that you always bring trouble with you. Sometimes leaving trouble at this inn. Last time at your visits you almost burned down the kitchen of smiley yanxiao. Of course, you were in a hurry and you left with a nervous smile on your face. Your constant return to this Wangshu inn is mostly to meet her beloved xiao. 

"wait he isn't here you tricked me didn't you?!!" running up and down you came down again standing in front of the counter. "he is here. but I will assume he doesn't wanna meet you" She jokingly replied to you. 

It's true xiao rarely shows himself to you but whenever aether and Paimon visit he always will show himself. You once heard from aether that xiao told them your liveliness is something he does not want to get involved with. 

Y/n l/n, A girl who was born into a wealthy family with both your parents being so obsessed with money. They wanted you to marry a noble when you grow up. At first, it was easy for them, they let you take a class for many things starting from the basic stuff such as reading and studying to fighting and other classes. They tried to make the perfect child match up with the noble children.  

But things didn't go as they planned, you became a more carefree person that likes to go outside, explore Mondstadt, and rarely listen to your parents. Of course, you got scolded much time but that didn't bother you much. 

You want to explore the world, you want to see the beautiful things this teyvat has offered you. One day you told your parents about leaving this house, leaving everything your parents have built up to make you their perfect child. you thought of leaving without telling them but you still told them anyway. 

Of course, their answer was no, but you smiled then left the place. 


"fine then if he doesn't want to see me I gotta use the xiao luring plan eheheh" you smiled evilly and grab a box of almond tofu out from your bag.  "not this again... sigh.. don't trouble the other visitors okay? don't forget last time you accidentally threw one of the almond tofu to a child who visited this inn" verr goldet warned you. 

Unreachable Hand || [ xiao ]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon