Chapter 1 - Dylan's POV

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I walked up to the ticket booth to buy myself a ticket for the new movie, 21 Jump Street. I took out money from my wallet and paid, sliding the cash through the small hole in the window. The girl inside the booth smiled at me before handing me my ticket and telling me to enjoy the movie. Taking the ticket, I walk toward the doors of the movie theatre and hand it to the man by the doors. He scans it, then lets me through.

As i walked in, I scanned the seats for a good spot. A spot where i woulnd't be interrupted. I look around to see no one there but a blond haired girl not too far a way. Making up my mind I walk down the isle and walk down the row to where the girl sat. She doesn't look at me, so I sit down next to her. I can't see her face. All I see is long golden-honey colored hair, her soft tan skin, and her light blue summer dress.

As I sit down I can't help but look over at her throughout the entire movie. Suddenly her head slowly turns my way, but I still can't see her face clearly. Though I'm sitting right next to her, her face is blurry. Next thing i know we are both leaning towards each other.



and closer........

Our lips are about to touch. I want to feel what her lips are like on mine.



Our lips are now centimeters apart just as I am about to close the distance......

*Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep* My alarm clock goes off.

"Ugh!" I groan, pissed off that this dream never gets any further then our lips centimeters apart. I blindly slam my hand around in search of the snooze button on the alarm clock, hoping if i can just get five more minute's of sleep I might be able to continue my dream.

Nope, I can't even fall asleep. Letting out an annoyed sigh, I sleepily got up from my bed rubbing my eyes and stretching. Grabbing myself a towel I head towards my bathroom to take a shower. The hot water poured over me, my tense muscles then began to relax. After taking my shower I get out run a towel through my wet hair and then wrap one around my waist.

Walking into my walk in closet I grab a bright blue v-neck shirt, some dark blue wash jeans, and my pure black vans. After putting my clothes on I brush my straight white teeth and the use some gel to slightly tousle my already messy hair. I usually never use gel in my hair as my already messy hair still attracted many girls anyway.

"Well, Looky here; could it be? Mr. Handsome." I said into the mirror as I looked my outfit over. Yes, some may think I am gay or even acting like a girl, but I assure you I'm not girl and I definitely am straight.

Yup, straight as a stick.

"Yes It is. It's The Dylan Ross. Hottest and sexiest guy in school" I practice my signature smirk, wink, and smile that makes every girl swoon and drop at my feet.

"Dylan?" i turn around to see my sister Paige standing at my door looking at me amused.

"Did I just hear, what i thought I heard?" she asked me. I stood there embarrassed for being caught talking to myself. I mean I need to give myself some motivation and positive energy in the morning!

"I'm so gonna tell mom and dad!" she squealed and raced out of my room and bounded down the stairs straight towards the kitchen, as I ran after her.

"Mom! Dad!" she yelled entering the kitchen. Shoot!

"Yes sweety?" she asked turning around for a second to look at her before turning back around to finish pouring her coffee.

"You wont believe what I just heard! Funniest thing ever happened" she said not even trying to catch her breath as she talked.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2013 ⏰

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