I'm Okay

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I'm back. I escaped one of the cult member, but I'm a little injured. How many more days do we have to stay here? It is way too dangerous, please someone send help. The Blox Agency trapped us here. We've been here for more than a year. I'm hiding here at the secret criminal base in the cleaners building. I don't know if anyone else is alive. The Cyborgs are slowly getting destroyed and getting hacked by the cult. Can I live one more day here? I forgot to introduce myself, I am Professor Rivera. Oh and there are 10 cult members downtown Brookhaven but there could be more, I'm not sure. I'm really hungry and all I have down here is a protein bar, nothing to drink. There's a grocery store down the street but I don't know if I wanna risk it. You know what I'm gonna do it. I'll try to sneak around. I'll be right back. 

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