Chapter One

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Gretchen Waters had been running down the sidewalk, her breath coming out in harsh puffs, when she felt the photographer following her. She knew that, as one of Kate's best friends, she would be in the media's spotlight, but this was becoming ridiculous. The publication of her novel, which was due to take place in several weeks, could use the publicity, but invading her personal life was no way to get on her good side. 

She sighed as she sipped her water, sitting on a nearby park bench. Being out and about in a world who pointed at her and knew who she was was extremely stressful. She often thought about life before the day when she was at Kate's wedding in an elegant white gown, but she couldn't think about what life had been like before for very long before she became depressed and angry at the world. 

She had been connected to the royal family for years before William and Kate married; in fact, she was the mutual friend that had told Kate, quite harshly, that her fairytale wasn't going to wait forever. She had been to polo games and christenings. She was close to the royal cousins; in fact, Zara had invited her to her exclusive wedding. 

She hadn't always been that way, though. In fact, she had been born a commoner. She and Prince Harry of Wales had met when she was attending university to achieve a degree in human services, and while he was beginning his military training. Their friendship was unlikely, yes, but it had survived many more tests than she had ever imagined it would have to. 

Her phone rang, pulling her from her darkening thoughts. Kate's smiling face flashed across her screen, and she smiled as well. How happy her friends were now that they had each other.

"Hello?" she answered, conforming to social niceties before Kate could do so.

"Gretchen, William and I are having a dinner at our house. Harry will be there; you should come," Kate said over the phone.

"I don't know if that's the best idea," Gretchen hedged, twirling a strand of hair around her finger.

"Yes, I know, but he misses you. Don't tell him I called, though," Kate requested.

"Fine," Gretchen groaned. "What exactly is the dress code for this dinner?"

"It's not with the queen, Gretch. Just wear what you have on, or change if you don't feel comfortable in that. It'll be fine, I promise. Love you," Kate said, a smile obvious in her voice.

"Love you, too," Gretchen groaned, knowing Kate had gotten her way.

Gretchen sighed at her reflection. Her makeup did little to cover the bags beneath her eyes, and her heels would still make her shorter than Harry. She couldn't bring herself to care, though. Kate had been right; she missed her best friend. 

She had pulled on a black-and-red plaid shirt, black jeans, and black patent leather heels for the occasion, leaving her hair down on her shoulders. She smiled as she exited her apartment; cameras flashed madly as she walked down the street and hailed a taxi.

"Where can I take you, love?" the driver, asked, obviously bored.

"Anglesley is fine," she commented, and the guy did a double take before nodding and driving towards her friends' home.

They arrived just as smells began to fill the house, and Gretchen could smell them outside. She knocked lightly on the door and Kate pulled it open, causing Gretchen to smile. Unlike her kept, elegant, royal and regal self, Kate wore jeans, wellies, and a pink sweater, her face clear of makeup and her hair loose around her shoulders.

"Gretchen!" Kate greeted happily, allowing her friend to step inside. 

"Hey, Kate. Hi, Wills. Do you need help with anything?" she questioned, and Kate shook her head.

"No, the lamb's in the oven and everything else is ready. Go into the living room; have a glass of wine," Kate offered, gesturing to the open bottle.

"Thank you, I believe I might," Gretchen said, pouring herself a glass and walking into the living room. 

"Hi, Gretchen," Harry said sheepishly from the sofa, and she turned, nearly spilling her drink.

"Hello, Harry," she responded, taking a seat on the sofa and elegantly crossing her legs. "How's Chelsy?" she questioned, her eyes unwavering as they stared into his.

"We broke up again," he said, and she nodded.

"Well, I'm sorry. Kate, there must be something I can help with," she called.

"No, there isn't. Please be civil!" Kate answered, and William chuckled as he entered the room.

"Hi," he greeted Gretchen, hugging her warmly. "Has my brother been a bloody fool yet?"

"Well, I don't believe he's stopped," Gretchen teased, causing Harry to roll his eyes.

"All right, all right, have your fun at my expense," he grumbled.

"Gretchen has earned the right," William pointed out, and Harry nodded.

"Yes, she has," he agreed, his voice nearly a whisper as he stared at her.

Oh, this was going to be a long night. 

A/N: It should be known that, while my flag is red, white, and blue, I am very much American. Therefore, if any of you Brits see mistakes you cannot cope with, write the incorrect and correct words in comments. It annoys me when people are illiterate in my nation, so if this annoys you, don't stop reading; just tell me! I'll fix it, I promise. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2015 ⏰

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