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I am 20m and I used to have this female friend Mary 20f. We were always very close but I was never romantically interested in her, she's not the kind of girl I'd date purely based on personality differences and different interests and needs on the dating scene. I didn't mind being close friends with her but sometimes she was being too much and I got the impression that she's taking me for granted. She had never dated a guy and she seeked my attention until I noticed that whenever she's interested in a guy she'd completely forget about me, would never text nor call me until she was done with that guy and then she'd come back to me and she'd act as if she's my gf but without the full commitment. I made it clear to her multiple times that I'm not interested.

Later I had noticed her parents making remarks about us dating and Mary was entertaining it and would never deny it. I was always the one to deny it all the time.

8 months ago I started dating a girl who I've known since childhood and we recently reconnected and crushed on each other. Our relationship has been great so far but Mary is always in the middle. She always feels like it's ok to interrupt our dates, she feels like it's ok to be all over me whenever my gf is present, whenever we go out with my gf and other friends and Mary is present she'll try to hold my hand. These are things that I've repeatedly told her make me uncomfortable. I've told her to stop multiple times and she doesn't. I cut her off once she started treating my gf as some random temporary chick I'm simply hooking up with. She was being extremely rude towards my gf and would always make her feel threatened.

I've cut her off for around 2 months now. I recently bumped into her dad on the street and with a very strict tone he scolded me and told me that I'm a pathetic human being for hurting his daughter's feelings. I asked him what Mary told him and apparently she said that she felt I was cheating on her and how I prioritised a random chick over our friendship. I told her dad this makes no sense because I could never cheat on her since we never dated and if she claims a chick ruined our "friendship" that alone is a statement from her that we never dated. He said that regardless I hurt her feelings and she's talking a lot of shit about me and my "whore girlfriend". He kept justifying her for being rude and vile. I told him that maybe he should teach his daughter to shut her mouth about me and my gf and stay in her goddamn lane. He told me to fuck off and good thing his daughter is not daring someone pathetic like me. AITA???

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