See through Me

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Leia's PoV
Previously on Lost & Found...
Mr.T's PoV
Lost & Found is a performance venue, it's a recording studio and I also started an elite music programme for young musicians.
At John's house
In the living room
Luke says to John "Do you think that might be about Michelle?"
John says to Luke "It might be."
Outside of the studio
Luke says to John "You should sing it for her, man."
John says to Luke "I can't."
Luke says to John "Why don't I sing it?"
In the Rose Room
Leia says to The Musicians "I'd just like to thank Luke for writing that beautiful song about me."
Luke says to Leia "John wrote it."
In the Lounge
John says to Luke "Thanks for not telling Michelle the song was about her."
Luke says to John "Yeah, no problem."
Michelle enters
Michelle says to John "Hey, John.I thought I heard your voice."
John says to Michelle "Erm..."
In the Rose Room

Luke's PoV
Leia seems really into this performance. It seems like it's something that's really personal to her, and it shows.
Leia's PoV
I wrote You See Through Me about Luke.I think it's one of the best songs I've ever written. So I'm submitting it for auditions.
In the Rose Room
Leia's PoV
The best songwriters at Lost & Found write songs and submit them to Mr T. And Mr T chooses two of them for auditions.
Eva's PoV
Auditions are starting soon and Mr T is just about to announce which songs have been chosen.
In the Rose Room
Rachel says to Leia "That was so good."
Leia says to Rachel "Thank you!"
Rachel says to Leia "Mr T is definitely going to pick your song."
Leia says to Rachel "Oh, I know that."
Rachel's PoV
Being best friends with Leia is really intimidating, because I know she's the best songwriter here. I have been trying my hand at writing some songs,but I know it's going to take a while before I reach her level.
In the Rose Room
Mr.T says to Leia "All right, nice job, Leia."
Mr.T says to Musicians "OK, so, I've made my decision.First song, Original, John.
John bows Congratulations, once again.APPLAUSE And the second song I've chosen is Now Is Our Time, by Rachel.APPLAUSE Good job."
Rachel's PoV
I am so excited that my song got picked for auditions.I must be getting good.
In the Rose Room
Mr.T says to the Musicians "Thanks for everyone's submissions."
Leia's PoV
I'm not trying to be egotistical,but I thought my song was way better than the ones that were chosen.Am I slipping?
In the Hallway
Luke says to John "I'm getting really annoyed with taking the bus."
John says to Luke "What? I don't know, I kind of like it. It's my me time."
Luke says to John "All the time is your me time."
John says to Luke "Well, I do love myself."
Luke singing
John loves himself and his me time.
John says to Luke "I don't know if that's song-ready, but OK."
John's PoV
Yesterday, Luke played a love song that I wrote for Michelle.She knew I wrote it, but she didn't know it was about her.When Michelle came to talk to me after the show,I had no idea what to do.
In the Green Room
John says to Luke "So, let me get this straight..."
Luke says to John "Mm-hm."
John says to Luke "You told Michelle that I wrote the song for Theo."
Luke says to John "Yeah."
John says to Luke "She's supposed to believe that I wanted to have my heart broken by Theo?"
Luke says to John "Yeah! It's like a bro-mance thing."
John says to Luke "That's crazy!"
Luke says to John "Exactly. It'll confuse her."
John says to Luke "I'M confused."
Luke says to John "Exactly.Come on, lover boy."
Luke's PoV
Tonight is the band's first open mike performance.We're pretty new to the whole experience of performing in front of people, but we have to learn somewhere.
In the Bull pen
Luke says to Mr.T "Do you think we could borrow a bass amp?"
Mr.T says to the boys band "OK, there is one amp. You have to be careful with it. McCartney plugged into that amp."
John says to Mr.T "What!"
Luke says to Mr.T "No way!"
Mr says to the boys band "Yes."
Luke says to Mr.T "Seriously?You're lying."
Mr.T says to Luke "I'm not."
Theo says to Mr.T "So, I'm going to play McCartney's amp?"
Mr.T says to Theo "Yes."
Theo hugs Mr.T
Luke says to John and James "He's so happy about it."
Mr.T says to Theo "Rock it. Have a good one."
Luke says to Mr T "No pressure."
Mr.T exits
Luke's PoV
I can't wait to play this open mike, and the band is going on the road.
In Java Junction
Rachel says to Leia "I mean, I knew that Now Is Our Time was really good when I wrote it,but I didn't know that it was audition good. You know, like, Mr T picked my song over so many other people's.I think it's because of the chorus. Like, the...Rachel singing
Ah-ah-always on time...It's so catchy, right?"
Leia says to Rachel "Ba-ba-ba."
Rachel says to Leia "What?"
Leia says to Rachel "Why don't I get us some juices?"
Rachel says to Leia "OK, sure."
Leia says to Rachel "OK, cool."
Rachel says to Leia "Actually, could you get me a muffin, too?"
Leia says to Rachel "Yeah, of course."
Rachel says to Leia "Thank you."
Leia says to the person "Two juices and a muffin, please.Thank you."
Leia says to John "Hey, John."
John says to Leia "Hey!"
Leia says to John "Congratulations on your song being picked."
John says to Leia "Thanks."
Leia says to John "By the way, Rachel is driving me insane.She won't stop talking about how great her song is."
John says to Leia "Just let her have this one. I mean, she's happy."
Leia says to John "I'm happy for her, be honest, who's song was better?"
John says to Leia "Your song was better than both of ours."
Leia says to John "Well, then, why didn't Mr T pick it?"
John says to Leia "It's a formula.
John's PoV
I've gotten a song into the auditions two years in a row. And it's because Mr Tis using a very specific formula for audition songs.
In Java Junction
John says to Leia "You need a song that has no personality,that someone else can take and make their own."
Leia says to John "So Rachel's song has no personality and mine's better?"
John says to Leia "Yeah."
Leia says to John "Thank you so much, you've made my day! I owe you one."
John says to Leia "OK. OK!"
Leia's PoV
John's formula totally makes sense. I'm not slipping.
In Java Junction
Leia singing Now is our time
Rachel singing Now is our time.
Rachel says to Leia "Oh, you forgot my muffin."
Leia says to Rachel "Oh, for sure, I did. I'm so sorry.It's your day, anything for you.
In the Recording studio
Jude is making a video
Eva says to Jude "What are you doing?"
Jude says to Eva "I'm trying to shoot a music video and it's not going too smoothly."
Eva says to Jude "I think all you need is just an extra pair of hands."
Jude says to Eva "Yeah?Can you lend me a hand?"
Eva says to Jude "Yeah."
Jude says to Eva "Beautiful, thank you."
Eva's PoV
Jude is always helping people out around here,so I feel like I should help him, too.But also I'm trying to put myself out there more.I think this year is time for new beginnings.
At the bus stop
James says to Theo,John and Luke "Why would we go to a gig that's going to take us longer to travel there than we're actually playing?"
Luke says to John,James and Theo "Oh, the bus is coming. We should probably get ourselves situated."
John's PoV
An open mike is basically a chance for everyone to get together and play their material in a safe environment.
Theo's PoV
You play your newest tunes and see what everybody thinks.
Luke's PoV
Without, you know, actually getting paid. Cos it's not a real gig.
On the bus
Theo says to John,James and Luke "Guys, we forgot the amp."
Luke says to Theo "What!"
James says to Theo,John and Luke "Wow. Wow, man."
Theo says to Luke "We're going back for it, right?"
Luke says to Theo "We can't! We don't have time for that."
John says to Luke,James and Theo "We either go to this open mike or we go back and get that amp."
Luke says to John, James and Theo "And either way, Mr T is going to bite our heads off."
James says to John,Luke and Theo "He's going to rip us."
Theo says to James,John and Luke "Great."
Luke's PoV
I think I speak for everyone when I say, uh-oh.
In the Bull pen
Hannah says to Leia "Hey, I'm really sorry that your song didn't get chosen."
Leia says to Hannah "Oh, that's no problem."
Hannah says to Leia "I think your song was really good."
Leia says to Hannah "It was really good. And that's why it wasn't chosen for auditions."
Hannah says to Leia "What?"
Leia says to Hannah "Mr T chose the more basic, ordinary songs. Like Rachel's, per se. So, that way, the auditioners could use them and then make them their own.
Rachel walks in the Bull pen and then runs out
Hannah says to Rachel "Hi, Rachel."
Leia says to Rachel "Rachel!"
In the Green Room
On Jude's video
Yeah, OK, growing up I realised The bigger picture is the real prize...
Jude says to Eva "So, what do you think?"
Eva says to Jude "You want the truth?"
Jude says to Eva "Yeah."
Eva says to Jude "It's lousy."
Jude says to Eva "Yes! You're a genius. You need to figure out some way to make a new video."
Eva says to Jude "Well, what's the song about?"
Jude says to Eva "It's all about being a grown-up.See, to me, being a grown-up is buying the freshest pair of kicks.Or even flying to New York to catch a concert or something."
Eva says to Jude "Yes, it's so weird, cos growing up to me is just completely different."
Jude says to Eva "Mm-hm?"
Eva says to Jude "It's like ordering a take-out and riding the streetcar alone,knowing what it's like to kiss someone."
Jude says to Eva "Yeah, I don't know why I never added that one to my list. I feel you."
Eva says to Jude "You know, maybe growing up is just a variety of different ideas."
Jude says to Eva "Lots of different perspectives."
Eva says to Jude "That's it."
Jude says to Eva "What?"
Eva says to Jude "Perspectives! That's going to be the theme of the video."
Jude says to Eva "OK, I'm down for it."
Eva says to Jude "I'm so excited."
Eva sitting down
Eva's PoV
Playing around with perspectives is such a cool video idea and I really hope that Jude and I can pull this off.
Rachel's PoV
It really hurts knowing that my song wasn't everything I thought it would be.I mean, I've always come in second place to Leia, but I have the feeling she may be right.
Outside of the studio
Leia says to Rachel "Hey, listen, I didn't mean to say that your song wasn't good.It is good."
Rachel says to Leia "Really?"
Leia says to Rachel "Yeah."
Rachel says to Leia "Because, apparently, you and John and Mr T think it's average. Why can't I write a song good enough to get rejected?"
Leia says to Rachel "Do you think that's easy? It's not."
Rachel says to Leia "Then what am I doing wrong?"
Leia's PoV
Rachel needs to be feeling, instead of thinking. Great songwriters take their experiences and make them into great songs. But Rachel doesn't know how to be vulnerable
0:11:34    0:11:36 and show her emotions like that yet.
Outside of the studio
Rachel says to Leia "That's it.I'm cashing in my chip. You're going to teach me."
Rachel's PoV
Whenever me or Leia need a favour,with no argument from each other, we cash in our chip.
Outside of the studio
Leia says to Rachel "There is no guarantees and you have to do everything I say.Cos it's going to get messy."
Rachel says to Leia "Deal."
At the bus stop
Mr.T walks off the bus
Mr.T's PoV
This is the amp I lent the band last night. It's sitting on the street and I have no idea why.
At John's House
Front drive
Luke says to Theo "Hey, my man."
Theo says to Luke "How does it go?"
Luke says to Theo "It goes well, how about you?"
Theo says to Luke "It goes. It keeps on going."
John walks outside of his house putting the Trash out
John says to Luke and Theo "Oh, look, it's dumb and dumber."
Luke says to John "Ha ha Look who's awake."
Luke's PoV
We barely made it to the open mike,we barely had time for half a song and we didn't have a bass amp.It was a complete disaster.
On the Front drive
John says to Luke "Where are we meeting James?"
Luke says to John "At the dealership. But we're bussing."
John says to Luke "As usual.Why am I not surprised?"
Luke says to John and Theo "Let's go. Let's do it.Let's buy a van!"
Luke's PoV
Right, there's four steps to success - a band, a van, touring, world domination.
In Java Junction
Leia says to Rachel "All right, going into the junction."
Rachel says to Leia "Can I take this blindfold off yet?"
Leia says to Rachel "No."
Leia says to Rachel "I wanted to experience the world in a new and different way."
Rachel says to Leia "Ow!"
Leia says to Rachel "Good.You feel that pain, you channel that pain.Keep going. You're doing great."
Jude says to Rachel "What are you doing?Choke, choke, choke. No, no."
Leia says to Rachel "Who is this?"
Jude says to Rachel "It's Jude."
Rachel says to Leia "It's Jude."
Jude says to Leia and Rachel "You two are some nincompoops, man."
Jude walks out of Java Junction
Leia says to Rachel "OK, sit down, come on. This is not working for you."
Leia's PoV
All I'm trying to do is trying to get Rachel to start feeling things, instead of thinking things.
In Java Junction
Leia says to Rachel "The next experiment I want you to do is eat this ice cream as fast as you can."
Rachel says to Leia "Why?"
Leia says to Rachel "Because I want you to write brain freeze lyrics.
Leia's PoV
My goal right now? Sensory overload.
In Java Junction
Leia says to Rachel "Keep going. Yeah, do you feel anything yet? Yeah? Good.Now, I want you to stand up and sing a song about sunshine to the whole junction."
Rachel says to Leia "OK."
Rachel singing
Sunshine shines so bright in the sky.
Rachel says to Leia "Is that bad?"
Leia says to Rachel "Yes. Sit."
Rachel's PoV
I don't really know why Leia's making me sing with ice cream in my mouth.What does this have to do with writing a song?
In Java Junction
Leia says to Rachel "All right, I didn't want to have to do this,but we're going to the fries."
Rachel says to Leia "What am I supposed to do?"
Leia says to Rachel "I want you to take two and stick them right up your nose."
Rachel says to Leia "What?"
Leia says to Rachel "Just do it.Yeah."
Rachel says to Leia "What is this supposed to do?"
Leia says to Rachel "Actually, that's just for me."
Leia laughing
Rachel says to Leia "You're supposed to be helping me write a song."
Leia says to Rachel "No, that's what I'm doing!"
Rachel says to Leia "You're just making fun of me.I cashed in my chip!"
Rachel walks off (Storms)
Leia says to Rachel "I just... Rachel!"
Leia's PoV
I didn't know how much this meant to Rachel.I need to find a way to make things right.
At the car dealership
James says to The boys "What kind of disgusting car dealership is this?"
Luke says to James "It's one in our price range."
Luke's PoV
We need to show Mr T that we're tour-ready.So this van is the first step to living as real musicians and launching our careers.
At the car dealership
Luke says to the boys "I mean, look at it, it's not too bad.It's got some rust. I think the mirrors are still functional.That's not a bad thing."
John's PoV
This is a lousy van from an obedient school for dogs that went out of business.Perfect.
At the car dealership
James says to the boys "There is no chance, man. It still smells like wet dog in there."
Luke says to James "What?!"
James's PoV
Luke is crazy.There is no way that buying this van is going to help get on the tour.
At the car dealership
Luke says to the boys "Air it out or drive through a carwash with the windows down or something."
Dealership manager says to the boys "Fellas, how are you doing? Oh, man.I see you found a diamond in the rough.This is the gem on the lot.I'm going to be sorry to see this baby go.Look, a full-sized van, not a blind spot anywhere.Wow.She is nice.Isn't she There's no lying in me. I'm going to get the keys.You stay right here, fellas. You won't be disappointed.
The Dealership Manger walks off
Luke says to the boys "Let's just take a vote, OK? Who's in?
Theo says to Luke "Yeah."
James says to Theo "Are you serious, man?"
Theo says to James "There is something about her."
James says to the boys "Stop this."
Theo says to John "John?"
James says to John "John, think straight."
Luke says to John "Please."
John says to the boys "It's not like I'm going to do anything useful with my money anyway."
Luke says to John "Yes! OK, majority rules, majority rules."
John's PoV
We like to make fun of Luke for all of his crazy ideas, but the guy does have a vision.
At the car dealership
The dealership manager walks back to the boys with the keys
In the van
Theo singing
I'm where I want to be The van is where I want to be The van is where I want to be and I never want to leave Never want to leave I never want to leave I'm never going to leave The van is where I want to be...
Luke says to Theo "Theo!"
John says to Theo "Theo"
Theo singing
Never ever, ever, ever going to leave...
Luke's PoV
Once Theo starts singing, he can't stop. And it's kind of an issue.
In the van
Theo singing
Ooh, the van is where I want to be The van is where I want to be...
John's PoV
If this is the way the tour is going to be, I'm not sure that I'm going to be able to go. Ever.
Rachel's PoV
I found the chip and mysterious note from Leia telling me to meet her in the green room. I'm still really mad at her, but I can't say no to the chip.
In the Green Room
Leia says to Rachel "Have a seat.I have something very important to tell you.When I was seven years old, I was walking to the forest... and then I felt something squishy beneath my feet. I looked down and there were thousands of worms wrapping themselves around my legs.They pulled me deep into a groundhog hole. And then I screamed as loud as I have ever screamed and the worms retreated."
Rachel says to Leia "That happened when you were seven?"
Leia says to Rachel "No, it's a ghost story.Your turn."
Rachel says to Leia "One dark and stormy night, I was home alone."
Leia says to Rachel "Yes, you were."
Rachel says to Leia "And...Why are you doing this?"
Leia says to Rachel "I'm trying to get you to feel things.So that you can write music."
Rachel says to Leia "It's not going to work."
Leia says to Rachel "I don't care, I'm going to get you there.You're my best friend.And I'm going to keep trying, because I love you."
Rachel says to Leia "Come here."
Rachel and Leia hugs
Leia says to Rachel "So, if you could write a lyric right now, what would it be?"
Rachel says to Leia "You make me feel something so real I can't let go.So I'm going to take control."
Leia says to Rachel "That's perfect!"
Rachel says to Leia "Thank you so much."
In the Rose Room
Eva says to the Musicians and everyone "Right, everybody, cameras up.OK.And action!"

Eva's PoV
We finally rounded up enough people to make this video happen.I'm super excited.
Jude's PoV
Different perspectives need different cameras and we've got a lot of perspectives.
Song finished
End of episode

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