Results - New Adult

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3. Signs You're Being Manipulated - DauntlessShadowIce1

Title: 8
Cover: 6
Blurb: 8
Grammar: 10
Originality: 7
Writing style: 10
Plot: 9
Character development: 8
Overall enjoyment: 2

Total: 68/100

Short Review: I think there maybe should be a bit more history of the main character and her nemesis in the first few chapters. Maybe a memory or flashback. Some hints about this "Lily" person we hear nothing of until several chapters in when we learn she's dead but obviously did something to Mackenzie. And Mackenzie has somehow magically found the gang but we have no idea how she knew how to find them... A bit of a plot hole that could be filled with some history on the characters


4. Keychains - JH_Foliage

Title: 10
Cover: 8
Blurb: 10
Grammar: 9
Originality: 8
Writing style: 8
Plot: 13
Character development: 7
Overall enjoyment: 4

Total: 77/100

Short Review: Overall I love the concept of Nora and her visions, mysterious Scottish background. I like how the Tai person is a mystery on top of the house and her family. The only complaint is the wording and lack of clarification between when Nora is describing what had happened and what is now happening. It gets a little confusing.


5. Damilola's Diary - Evergreen_Ebony

Title: 8
Cover: 10
Blurb: 10
Grammar: 13
Originality: 6
Writing style: 13
Plot: 12
Character development: 8
Overall enjoyment: 3

Total: 83/100

Short Review: This is a great authentic experience. You really get a feel for the culture of the location and how it could feel being a single young woman living in a Nigerian city. It is a great read and if I liked romance more I would definitely want to finish the story. Romance, in general, makes me want to pull my hair in frustration


6. Prisoners of Love - MiniMoxx

Title: 7/10
Blurb: 8/10
Cover: 6/10
Grammar: 12/15
Originality: 5/10
Writing Style: 6/10
Plot: 10/15
Character Development: 7/10
Overall Enjoyment: 2/5

Total: 68/100

Short Review: I felt that this book was too cliche in a sense and unrealistic. I have read many stories about amnesia and it just...yeah. However, I have to say that your blurb was well written, so good job!


7. Keep bleeding love - EastCoastPinay

Title: 6/10
Blurb: 7/10
Cover: 8/10
Grammar: 12/15
Originality: 6/10
Writing Style: 8/10
Plot: 12/15
Character Development: 7/10
Overall Enjoyment: 3.5/5

Total: 74.5/100

Short Review: So, for this story, I don't feel the title matches the story, but the writing style was quite good! Could improve on the character development more and change the title to a more relatable one.


8. 16 Letters To My Runaway Father - cynkruse26

Title: 8/10
Blurb: 8/10
Cover: 7/10
Grammar: 13/15
Originality: 8/10
Writing Style: 8/10
Plot: 11/15
Character Development: 8/10
Overall Enjoyment: 3.5/5

Total: 79.5/100

Short Review: This idea is very original, and the title made the book more interesting. However, I would suggest that you change your cover. The colour isn't very visible, and the flowers in the background make you feel off-balance.


9. Nature's Lass - Liverpoolium

Title: 9 /10
Blurb: 8/10
Cover: 6/10
Grammar: 12/15
Originality: 6/10
Writing Style: 7/10
Plot: 11/15
Character Development: 7/10
Overall Enjoyment: 3/5

Total: 74/100

Short Review: The idea is not original, but that is okay. Also, the cover...the blue and green don't quite match up. It is a bit dark, so maybe lighten it up. However, the title and blurb were really good!


10. The Promotion - _xxAMxx

Title: 6 /10
Blurb: 7/10
Cover: 7/10
Grammar: 12/15
Originality: 5/10
Writing Style: 6/10
Plot: 12/15
Character Development: 7/10
Overall Enjoyment: 2.5/5

Total: 69.5/100

Short Review: The title can be improved, it is very vague. The idea for the story is very common on WP. The grammar was good though, good job for that!


Don't be disheartened if you didn't receive the score you desired, life is all about learning and improving.
Good Luck for your future!

PS: Winners, please PM us your Email ID to receive the stickers

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