Alternate Ending to The Choice (ANGST)

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Hey guys I'm back (how many times have I said that now?) anyway I'm back with some more chapters thank u guys for being so patient and we're almost at 70k views (craziness). Ily and enjoy the chapter :)

You had just gotten off the phone with CPS. You felt like the entire universe was on your shoulders as Tenko slept in your lap peacefully, truly a beautiful sight considering the circumstances at the moment. You had this choice to make. Keep him or give him to someone more deserving and qualified to be taken care of? You loved him but greatly doubted your ability to take care of a child, especially one as damaged as Tenko. You were torn. But you had already made your mind from the start.

The next morning you made breakfast as usual. He sat at the table, looking so happy and comfortable where he was now which made you even more sad with the choice you had made. With a heavy heart, you sat down at the table, and proceeded to have your last breakfast with Tenko, him completely oblivious to what was going to happen.

You both got ready to leave the house after you had finished eating. "Where are we going?" He asked in his precious voice. Pain twinged at your heart. You didn't have the guts to ruin it for him yet. "We're going to the park. I know how much u like going there." I responded in a fake joyful tone. You didn't want him to know immediately or he would try to fight you and you didn't have the mental energy for that. You both walked out of the house, Tenko joyfully skipping along beside you.

When you got to the CPS office, you picked up Tenko and brought him inside. "What are we doing here. I thought we were going to the park?" He said anxiously. "I'm so sorry. This is for your own good. I love you so much Tenko." You gently whispered to him, almost in tears, as you gave him to a staff member and told them what your decision was. He proceeded to have a panic attack and almost disintegrated someone. You had to leave before you broke down, but even as you ran away sobbing, you could still hear Tenko crying, and you would never forget that shrill, painful cry of a child being taken from it's parent.

Word count: 404
This one hurt ngl

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