--She's in your bed but im in her- wait whos bed is this?!--

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//thank you BlueNotFound_  for the ideas for this chapter! And for the lovely fan art above <3

Also sorry for the wait- identity crisis haha :,D
This was rushed rip

I woke up in pain.

It throbbed in time with my heartbeat, making me let out a shaky exhale. My vision was fuzzy and I felt very disoriented. Where was I? What happened?

My senses, along with my memory, came back to me instantly, giving me a migraine. Bloody hell...

I sat up and looked around, trying to get ahold of my surroundings, but I'd never seen this room before. It was a bedroom, decorated very elegantly. I thought my bedroom before was big, but it couldn't even compare to this one. I was so in awe of my surroundings that one thing failed to register in my mind. I was not alone in the bed.

I snapped my head to the right, and froze. Laying beside me, still asleep, was non other than Schlatt himself. What the fuck. I practically jumped away as I regained control of myself. Looking down, I saw my arm and shoulder bandaged properly, and I was in new clothes. Barely. All I was wearing was a white button up shirt with long sleeves. The top three buttons were loose, probably to help my air flow. The sleeve on the left was rolled up high as not to get in the way of my bandages and sling. And the worst part was my lack of pants.

I didn't embarrassed or because flustered easily, but this was definitely pushing it. I tugged the comforter around me, trying to cover myself up. Why the hell I wasn't wearing pants was a mystery to me. Apparently my movements shook the bed because a light, groggy greeting came from beside me. "Morning..."

Not responding, I just stared at him. He must've been a morning person, because he immediately looked wide awake. The only way to tell he'd even been asleep was his bed head and tired voice.

Despite the fact that he looked awake, a few features stood out to me. He had dark bags under his eyes, and worry lines etched in his face. My bet was that this was the first time he'd slept since I'd been out. He gave me a once over before sitting up himself. He frowned, and asked me, "How are you feeling?"

I tried to talk, but my throat was dry and no sound came out. He noticed immediately and handed me a glass of water that had been on the nightstand beside him. The cool drink felt like liquid gold on my sore throat.

Attempting to talk, I internally cringed as my voice sounded like crunching glass. "how is-" I coughed. "How is Tubbo?"

He gave me a quiet chuckle. "Don't worry about him, he's not the one who got shot." I just gave him a silent stare.

"...I'm glad your okay." He whispered the words so quietly I almost didn't hear them.


He cleared his throat before speaking up. "I said I'm glad your not dead, would've been terrible to have to find a new musician already!"


With a shake of his head, he thankfully got out of the bed and disappeared into a side room. Mere minutes later he came out fully dressed in his Royal attire. He seemed back to his usual self. "Now, I don't want you out of this bed at all."



I gave him a confused look. "Schlatt- my arm got injured. Not my legs. I'll be fine-"

He clicked his tongue at me.

"King's orders." What a fucking bitch.

He started walking away and I protested. "Can I at least move to my own bed?" this caught his attention and he spun around with a cocky smile.

"Oh, is pretty boy embarrassed by being in my bed and having slept with me?" I never wanted to kill him more then I did at this particular moment. Instead of responding to his teasing, I just flopped back down and pulled the blankets over my head. Maybe if I ignored him he'd quit and go away.

This was not the case however, as the blankets were yanked back down. I was definitely not expecting that. "You didn't give me an answer."

Fuck your answer.

"It's not- I'm not-" for once in my life, my words did not come out easily and I was actually embarrassed. This wasn't even the worst situation id been in through out my life, so why was this what broke me!?

He saw my flustered state and it seemed to only agg him on. "What? Did you not like how I worded the question?"

Ohhhhhh boy. I was having a war with myself, wanting to leave a snarky remark and see his face when I changed personalities, but that was an idiotic choice.

I just settled for silence and he seemed to accept it this time. He walked out of the room, leaving me to curse myself for whatever the hell just happened.

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