The Downfall of Wanda Maximoff

Start from the beginning

Natasha grabbed ahold of both of Wanda's hands and squeezed them. "Whatever makes you feel most comfortable. I will always be here for you." Natasha admitted. Wanda could have sworn she saw Natasha's face flush but chalked it up to her eyes playing tricks on her.

Both of them separated from each other as soon as they heard the loud footsteps of Wanda's other counterpart. "Did I interrupt another 'moment' between you two?"

And just like that, Wanda's entire body slammed onto the hardwood floor of her bedroom. She leaned up on her elbows and let a loud sigh escape her mouth.


Wanda was now pacing back and forth with a blunt in one hand and expressing her thoughts with the other. Agatha was intently listening and attempting to calm Wanda down, occasionally taking a drag herself.

"I knew it! She's only been back in my life, for what, a week? And it's already messing with my head!" Wanda scoffed. She slowly inhaled from the blunt and blew.

Agatha grabbed her shoulders and turned Wanda towards her. She plucked the blunt from Wanda's hand and put it out.

"Look Wanda, I get it. She's a horrible person. I was there when everything happened. However, I'm not sure getting super high is in your best interest, especially since your mind seems to be against you." Agatha explained.

Wanda sighed and flopped face first onto her bed. "Whatever, it wasn't even doing anything anyways."

Wanda felt drained, emotionally and physically. She had only been in that dreaded class for a week and hadn't even interacted with the other girl, so why was her mind taunting her with old memories? Wanda had buried every part of her relationship with Natasha, or at least she thought she had. Of course, her dreams had different plans.

"I have to sit next to her every single goddamn day. It's so tiring, Agatha. She just sits there, acting like she never did anything wrong. As if she wasn't the reason our relationship crumbled." Wanda breathed.

Agatha took her spot next to Wanda and hugged her as tight as she could. She spoke as she rubbed small circles up and down Wanda's back, "I know. It's not fair."

Wanda returned the hug to the best of her ability as her lack of sleep caught up to her. She had hardly even noticed the fact that she was crying. Wanda let go of Agatha and wiped under her eyes, praying that her mascara hadn't run all over her face.

"Can we just lay here for a little while?" Wanda asked, although her voice was hoarse from the tears she shed.

Agatha nodded and layed down, patting the spot next to her. Wanda finally felt comfortable as Agatha hugged her from behind.



"Thank you."

Agatha leaned over and gave Wanda a chaste kiss on the cheek. This was one of the only times Wanda fell asleep with a peaceful mind that wasn't wandering between all of her past memories. Without the hurt and suffering she usually dealt with. It was a feeling she wasn't used to, although she wanted to be.


The weekend slipped through Wanda's fingers and before she knew it, she was walking down the halls of the school. Agatha had already departed, since she was afraid of being late. Her teacher was especially brutal with the punishments he gave. So Wanda was all alone, which wasn't too bad if she didn't have to deal with one of the literal worst people standing in front of her locker. Wanda had no doubt that he was there to see Natasha. She probably had a new boyfriend and he was there to hear how it happened straight from the source. She attempted to push past him muttering, "Excuse me." But, unfortunately, he had other plans.

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