You rode your horse and asked Ethan "Where should we go first?" "I think we should go to Heisenberg's first." Ethan replied, you sighed and said "Alright then let's go." 


You finally arrived to Heisenberg's place, which was filled with lycans and some experiments. "Why are there so many lycans here?"  Ethan asked "He's the one who controls them."  you replied "Oh, alright then, let's get inside." 

You shot many lycans and those experiments on the way to Heisenberg's office. But stumbled upon Urias, the leader of the lycans. "Get ready Y/N, you got enough bullets?"   "I do, you?" "More than enough." Ethan replied "Alright, let's do this."  You and Ethan fought Urias which was surprisingly easy. You both started panting due to moving too much "Hopefully he doesn't come back up." you said "Yeah, let's go, we might be close." Ethan said. 

You arrived in some type of room, where there was a large cloth that looks like it's covering something. "What's behind this?" you asked yourself, you decided to pull the large cloth to see what is behind it. "What the?" You saw that it was full of photos including the 3 lords and Mother Miranda, "Mia?" you heard Ethan say, there are some photos on the side of people whom you don't know until you saw Chris Redfield's photo. "Chris?"  you said, "Wait, you know Chris?" "I-"

Heisenberg cut you off "I see you have a guest with you Ethan

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Heisenberg cut you off "I see you have a guest with you Ethan."  Ethan raised his gun but signaled him to lower it. "Heisenberg, we would like to speak with about something, in behalf of Lady Dimitrescu and Lady Beneviento." You said "What's this about?"  Heisenberg asked a bit annoyed "I have been questioning Mother Miranda's actions ever since she had her hands on the baby." "Go on."  "It's just questionable that she decides to give the lords parts of the baby and not keep it to herself-" "What a clever maiden you are, it really is questionable isn't it? Well, you see this is actually a test for Ethan, to see if he's strong enough to be part of Miranda's family." "I don't want to be part of Miranda's family!" Ethan said raising his voice "Neither did I but here we are!" Heisenberg argued back 

"But it seems like you guys broke the chain, Ethan was supposed to kill that super-sized bitch and the ugly ass psycho doll." Heisenberg sighed and continued "Whatever you are planning against Miranda I'm in." "Great! that's all we wanted to hear, I'll contact you if we had convinced Moreau about this." you said but  Heisenberg scoffed "Yeah, good luck with that." "We'll convince him, you'll see." you said "Oh, almost forgot, here's your flask Ethan." Heisenberg said "Thanks, 3 down 1 more to go." Ethan said

You left Heisenberg's factory and you were on the way to Moreau near the reservoir. While on the way there, Ethan asked you. "So, do you know Chris Redfield?"  "I-" you sighed "Yes, yes I do." "Really? But how?" "You see, I wasn't originally from here, I live in America and I worked for the Blue Umbrella as a member of Chris' Hound Wolf Squad. I was with them when they went back to the Baker's house after learning about Jack Baker's attack in the BSAA Labs. But a few months later, a friend told me that I was gonna be one of the people that the BSAA will be experimenting on. The fear of becoming a bio-weapon made me leave the country immediately without any trace on where I will be. I decided to stay in this village knowing that no one would find me here, but I guess I was wrong, with what Mother Miranda is planning, it seems like I was brought back to where I was, a candidate waiting to be experimented on." 

"What do you mean?" Ethan asked "Mother Miranda is planning on reviving her daughter using your daughter, remember Eveline?" Ethan nodded so you continued "She was one of the multiple experiments that she created to be a vessel for Eva, but it seems like she's still unfit for Eva so I guess she continued on searching until she discovered Rose." you said "I see, so we really need to fix my daughter before it's too late." "Yeah, we're almost there, so let's not waste anytime now." Your horse started galloping very fast once again and you finally arrived to Moreau's place




Anyways, hello!!! Hope you liked this chapter and if you did be sure to leave a vote!! Se you on the next chapter! Byebye!!!!

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