PART 2: Plumeria

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"I've never seen Etheria from this high up!" Netossa laughs, loving the thrill of the wind in her hair. "My nets never reach that far. Can you go higher?" She asks. "I could go higher, but I'd rather not risk it.." she lands in Plumeria, the town is quiet, only a few shops open "What else did your parents tell you about Plumeria? Any fun spots to see?" Netossa asked "They didn't tell me much, besides the fact that we used to live here. My mom is pretty secretive.." she says, sighing. "Guess that means we'll just have to explore it ourselves." Netossa winks, grabbing hold of Spinny's arm and pulling. "Come on!" She follows her, smiling nervously and blushing. They stumble upon an abandoned building. "Looks spooky," Netossa says, enticed by the mysterious air surrounding it. "Want to go in?"
"Are you sure that's a good idea? It looks dangerous, Netossa..." Spinny says, scared. "That's half the fun!" Netossa laughs, walking closer toward it. She follows Netossa hesitantly. Its dark and they can barely see a thing. Spinny holds Netossa's hand hand, tightly. Shes scared. "Hey, it'll be ok." Netossa squeezes her hand. "Plumeria's a peaceful place, from what Lance told me." She says, trying to reassure Spinny. "I'm sure you're right... it's just... I'm scared of the dark.." she admits. "Please don't make fun of me..."
"Everyone has fears," Netossa answers gently. "Why do you think I'd make fun of you for it?"
"Cause my mom says that people will.. that I should be ashamed..." she says, looking at the ground. "You shouldn't be ashamed of what scares you," Netossa murmurs, as she stops walking. "But I found a method that might help you."
"Whats that?" Spinerella asks, curious. "Find the weakness of whatever scares you." Netossa says proudly. "That way, it eventually loses the power to scare you."
"Soooo for darkness, light might be its weakness?" Spinny asks, slightly confused. "Exactly!" Netossa starts to form an orb. "Watch this!" A large orb sits in her hand that she tosses in the air so it hits the ceiling, expanding into a web like formation. It emits a soft glow in the darkness. "Wow that's really pretty... Do you think that's what stars look like?" Spinny asks, amazed. However, the soft glow revealed something they didn't see: The Horde insignia.
"Lance said they're l-" Netossa backs up into Spinny, nearly knocking them both over. "No..." "Whats wrong netoss-" Spinny sees the insignia, and runs out.
"How fast can your wind go?" Netossa calls as they flee. "Faster than the Horde, where are we going?" She asks. "Well we can't go back to Brightmoon..." Netossa responds bitterly. "Not if they try to track us. We'll lead them right to the Rebellion."
"Should we go to the Whispering woods? My mom is going to kill me..." Spinny says. "No, still too close to the Rebellion," Netossa explains, as an idea comes to her. "There is one place we'd be fine least, temporarily."
"Where's that?" Spinny asks, not knowing anywhere else. "The Crimson Waste," Netossa breathes, filled with a mixture of apprehension and excitement. Spinny opens her mouth to protest, as she cant think of anywhere better. "Alright... let's go" She takes off, heading for the Crimson waste.

Wind And Webs: A Spinnetossa StoryWhere stories live. Discover now