Chapter two: Captured

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Gopan awoke from a dreamless sleep, his body was numb, and he felt like he was moving. Everything around him started to fade in to sight, still blurred, but visible. He looked up, there were tall skinny men and women with ropes attached to something. he looked behind him, realizing that the ropes were tied around his feet and wrists. Suddenly, everything came into view. He was being dragged away in the middle of the forest. The people stared at Gopan, with no emotion whatsoever. Gopan tried to yell out, but his kidnappers stuck a rock in his mouth before he could call for help. All he could do was to await his fate, knowing he had no earthbending with his limbs tied up.

     The night fell fast, and the scrawny people stopped at a torch lit cave. They threw Gopan inside, and talked to one another, in a tongue that Gopan couldn't understand. They had to be primitive savages. The savages then tied Gopan to the ceiling, and the tallest one got a stone knife out, ready to gut him and eat his meat. The cannibals were lucky to find such a man who had put on some extra weight. Gopan managed to get the rock out of his mouth, and he did something weird. Whenever Gopan is terrified, he tries to think happy thoughts. These thoughts got out in the form of whistling songs. Gopan whistled a tune that seened to stop the cannibals, they lowered their knives, and were entranced by the hanging man making that sound.

     One of the men suddenly dropped dead. Gopan stopped whistling because of the arrow that was sticking out of the cannibal's chest. A figure came into Gopan's sight as he spun toward the cave entrance. A person who looked very similar to Takko. It was a female though. She had a crossbow, long, dark hair up in a braid, the same bright eyes that Takko has, and such a look to make her even more attractive. He couldn't stop staring at her while she fought the cannibals. The fight was over.

     "Wow! That's amazing! Hey, could you get me down? I can feel the blood in my head."

     "That is why I am here." She cuts Gopan down.

"How did you find me?" Gopan says, feeling the spot where he hit his head after being cut down.

"I come from the city around 5 miles that way." She points to the city that he thinks Takko was taking him to.

"Do you know Takko? He is my friend."

"Know him?! Takko is my twin brother!"

Gopan seemed shocked.

"Uh.. this is awkward."

"Stop staring at me Gopan, yes, I know your name. You look like you are begging for affection."

"You are so ho--"

"Shh. I know I am hot, that doesn't mean that I am going to date someone that my brother and I barely know."

"Just take me to the city." Gopan says sticking his bottom lip out.

"By the way, my name is Akari."

Akari takes Gopan to her car; Takko was there too. Gopan seemed frightened by the vehicle, but he got in. Takko looked back to see if Gopan was ready to ride, then he drove off to the city. They got there in a short time. As they stopped at Takko and Akari's house, Gopan took in all of the amazing sights. It was beautiful.

Then he felt very queasy as the car stopped, and he fell out of the car.

"Don't tell me you get carsick. This must be the first time riding one." Takko said to Gopan, but he couldn't hear that over the sound of himself throwing up in the nearby trashcan.

"Ah well, let's get inside."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2015 ⏰

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